His hate shit was one thing, but to deny that a Charmander can become a Charizard if it trains really hard is just wrong.
His hate shit was one thing, but to deny that a Charmander can become a Charizard if it trains really hard is just wrong.
I think crying when your team loses a championship is also acceptable, especially if it’s the first time you’ve seen them in the championship game/round.
Cool. How about they work on their always-fucking-wrong recommendation engine instead. No, because I watched Ali Wong, Penny Dreadful, Planet Earth, Luther, GLOW, River, The Fall, and Seven Seconds does not in fact mean that I would enjoy The Boss Baby, Kevin Hart, The Emoji Movie, The Smurfs 2, Paranormal Activity…
For years I tried to decide which was worse, kids talking during kids movies, or old people talking during, er, old people movies. I was always leaning toward old people being worse becasue they should know better but what really put geezers over the top was when we saw Darkest Hour and during the scene where people…
I think the addition of theater-approved booze has probably contributed to this phenomenon. I have the bladder of a sparrow, so I’ve never been able to sit through a 90 minute movie, but I know that it’s worse now that I can drink alcohol freely.
So is her face a sandwich?
As a gentleman who weighs 224 pounds and has only ever been “not really fat” AT BEST in his life, I say unto you: fuck off, sir. Fuck off good and hard.
“but as long as the Bowery Mission exists, and winos are sleeping it off in the playgrounds of Roosevelt Park . . .”
I love tequila, and I have to agree that cheap tequila brings out the asshole in a lot of people.
One of the games I like to play with people is give them a shot of a high-end liquor when they are only familiar with the cheap versions of it and ask them if they can identify it. They never can, but are amazed at how awesome it is, and “where can they get a bottle?” They are shocked to find out it’s what they…
Just walking down the sidewalk, day drinking.
I will not be swayed by the dishwashing liquid Deep State!!!
Also his sister is one-time NOTY contestant Charity Sunshine Tilleman-Dick.
“Paid for by the committee to elect this fuckin guy or Steve O”
Your move, guns-in-schools-politicians. If you’re not willing to blast yourself in the face with your solution, is it even a solution?
I legitimately did not know that calling a blog on the telephone was actually possible (much less something that people do).