
The biggest reason I’m stoked is Red XIII, hands down. It’s just unfortunate I may have to wait longer since... ya know... he don’t show up till after leaving Midgard. : (

Truck Chaser is pretty dang good, but Creamweaver by 3 Taverns is a bit better in my honest GA opinion.

Also, trademarking -icle is probably the most dastardly, vaudevillian, capitalist thing I’ve heard this week. So congrats Unilever?

ONE FC is not a minor league promotion.

2. You don’t have to wear matching uniforms in order to at least wear PANTS in a battle situation.

“¿Por que no los dos?”

Megablastoise got a lil more frustrated than necessary imho, but it’s true though. Canonically, this theory makes no sense at all.

Thank god someone else remembers this fact.

Now playing

Casual reminder the feather was already removed from the GBA Game & Watch Collection back in 2002.

Fake news, our president doesn’t know the meaning of “responsibility”

When in reality, the fault actually lies with someone actually making mooves....

Clearly the bucket seats are to prevent them from rolling away

The big thing that I took away from the movie was that it shows at a very personable level exactly the self-degradation that we put ourselves through in order to be a useful part of capitalism until we get to the point where we fall in over our head. When the movie switches gears and goes into full body horror is

Coming from someone who is extremely allergic to dogs (still love puppers, just gotta do it from afar), I do get wanting to make sure that the person you fall in love with is compatible with the animals you also want in your life.

That being said, it’s still a negative way of portraying that they like dogs, when it

Yep, those “Swipe left if you’re [insert quality]” statements. Attraction and desires are a spectrum for each person, not hard facts... especially when perspective and personal opinion come into play. You may say “swipe left if you’re fat”, see a person who you don’t think is fat, swipe right, but because they

I’ll be real... probably the WORST thing you can put in your bio are eliminators. You know, things like “tall guys only” or “I prefer white women” or “I’m not into overweight people”, because the moment you find someone who personally doesn’t identify to your broadcasted desires but you’re still attracted to them...

Ace already got a bad end tho, he doesn’t need another one :(

I’ll just stay eternally salty that Sony didn’t have the mind to make Ultra 4K blurays playable on the PS4 pro

Me and every Dynasty Warriors or Pokemon game I end up buying