
Yep, those “Swipe left if you’re [insert quality]” statements. Attraction and desires are a spectrum for each person, not hard facts... especially when perspective and personal opinion come into play. You may say “swipe left if you’re fat”, see a person who you don’t think is fat, swipe right, but because they

I’ll be real... probably the WORST thing you can put in your bio are eliminators. You know, things like “tall guys only” or “I prefer white women” or “I’m not into overweight people”, because the moment you find someone who personally doesn’t identify to your broadcasted desires but you’re still attracted to them...

Easy way to retcon it, Boba Fett sold or had his armor stolen from him somewhere between Episodes 4 and 5 and the Boba Fett that appears in both of these movies is just some mooch off his name.

Ace already got a bad end tho, he doesn’t need another one :(

I still can’t fathom why people want less star wars content if they’re fans of the series.

We don’t live forever guys (not yet at least). The more star wars I can get in before I die, the better.

I’ll just stay eternally salty that Sony didn’t have the mind to make Ultra 4K blurays playable on the PS4 pro

Me and every Dynasty Warriors or Pokemon game I end up buying

I’d actually wonder if Madden will be around 100 years from now... If millennials kill football like they plan on~

I mean, I say this jokingly but it’s certainly within the realm of possibility

Ya mean, Rey?

Other Metal Gear games were about the dangers of digital information, the tragedy of being an action hero, and the nature of loyalty and patriotism. This one is about thankless labor.

A Nintendo Cease and Desist in 3.... 2.... 1....

To all the people who bought the $100 game a year ago, my heart goes out to you for going through this real injustice

No law forbidding it, but it is heavily regulated and the permits for sending them expire in like a month.

Idk, the thing is that many people who were considered wise died having told half-truths, convincing lies, and false assumptions to people who took them as fact. It doesn’t really detract from the truths, teachings, and positive inspiration the character has provided.

Besides, Yoda... if anything, has been proven to be

Absolutely relatable, as amazing as her music is... her live performances are another entire level.

CNN is reporting that Nikolas Cruz actually purchased the gun and passed the necessary background check to do so.

1) It would not require an adaptation of the “Star Wars” comics, it would just be acknowledgment of characters that are supposed to exist in the character’s history.

I really still think Thandie Newton is playing Sana Starros. Either Val is her original name and she defects, so she has to change her name... or Val ain’t her name. We know Sana is part of Han’s crew before they “get married” in order to do a heist, but Han takes her cut and leaves her in the wind. It might be

Came here explicitly hoping this was the case.