Didn’t even have to read the article to know this happened in Florida.
Didn’t even have to read the article to know this happened in Florida.
> I will never preorder a video game from Gamestop ever again.
> I will ALWAYS preorder a video game console from Gamestop every time they launch (because I’m able to put down $50-$100 initially, pay it off gradually till release, then walk in on release, pick it up and have money to buy launch games or peripherals)
*Snores loudly and rudely*
The movie is extremely beautiful, but suffers from some really painful pacing issues that rockets around at breakneck speed sometimes making it hard to get with the program if you go into it blind, not knowing anything about the plot.
Are there any Quarians in this or did none get on the boat to the new galaxy? I find it difficult to believe that at least not some managed to make it to Andromeda (given how finding a new homeworld would be a worthwhile find on a young Quarian’s Pilgramage).
Well, there is a cock in the list...
As a company that sends literally thousands of packages out a month, I can tell you with absolute certainty that UPS losing a package is EXCEEDINGLY rare (we’re talking roughly once every 4 or 5 months for us, if even that) compared to the fairly frequent lost package that disappears via USPS (probably about twice a…
I’m uncontrollably laughing because the RNG gods decided to give me Hector off the first “thank you for starting this game” orbs.
Good, blame funimation~
Yeah the Ice soles would definitely make these a little more appealing but honestly these are ugly as sin.
By definition, cheating is to “act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage”. The words “dishonest”, “unfair”, and “advantage” all imply a second party that you are overcoming due to these methods. In a single player experience, the only “second party” is your experience with the game vs your desires…
Half of me wants to say “must be nice to be wealthy”
The other half of me just appreciates that people like pouring their money into a space they genuinely care about.
Yeah the other box sets are pretty awesome looking~
Maybe it was intentional, but it should be mentioned that the Utena box set you posted is only the first 12 episodes of the series. The series is broken up into three box sets.
Pokemon Severely Overcast
Nobody asked for this? Screw that, I totally did! All those years of nestling myself in the plastic bucket seats as I race an irresponsible speed towards a finish line decorated by two dimension hotties... Such nostalgia! I can’t wait to feel the cold hard grime of cheap pizza grease that was caked onto the…
I mean, it’s not bad. If you want a fat moogle flying mount, you’ll spend $30 on it. If people want a copy of Heavensward with a big dragon statue in it, people will pay $130+ for it. Not really much of a difference at the end of the day, neither of the things are entirely necessary for a complete experience in the…
Yes absolutely, all of this. Saints Row 2 is where crimeworld-sandbox games peaked.
Didn’t hate Suikoden 3 but I do feel like the series was really getting somewhere with 5 when it all just went out the window due to Konami being Konami.
I appear to be the minority here, but I actually would have bought SFV for Clumsy Cutie jsykjs