
Fine. Let the American police disarm first. Good luck with that!

Yeah, the Ferguson effect has nothing to do with spiraling crime rates in gun control utopias like Baltimore and Oakland!

Why do police need "unsafe handguns"? Why do police need "weapons of war"?

If you really support 2nd Amendment rights, than name one gun control law in the U.S. which goes too far.

If you really believe your B.S. interpretation of the 2nd Amendment, then tell me, what does the 2nd Amendment do? What limitation on Federal Power does the 2nd Amendment present?

The anti-gun arguments always falls apart when the obvious facts are pointed out, like police use of firearms.

Actually you are wrong. But of course you are.

Like a cop who gets chopped up with a cleaver because his gun malfunctioned? He might disagree with you about that being a safer outcome.

Thanks for once again confirming that those who advocate "common sense gun reform" are lying like crazy when they also claim to support 2nd Amendment rights.

Any firearm which is easily convertible to full automatic is already subject to restriction by the ATF. The ATF uses that power zealously. There are no firearms sold in America which are easily convertible to full automatic because of this.

The theory that gun companies make some kind of profit off of illegal guns is the looniest and most economically insane idea ever, cooked up in the feverish imagination of anti-gun cultists.

why do police have "murder toys"

Plenty of people in NYC have not just a handgun permit but a carry permit, like Trump. As long as they are rich and/or connected and/or pay the cops a bribe.

Gun control laws are virtually irrelevant to crime control. And everyone knows it.


I'm surprised you don't drown in your own hatred.

Anyone can get a legal gun in New York. As long as they are rich or connected. Which is just how you like it.

When a murderer, with a lengthy history of criminal violence, kills someone with a gun stolen from the police, how is that murder the fault of the gun company that made the pistol?

You are immune to evidence and logic. But of course. That is the usual mindset of those who support gun control.

you people?