
The show Amerika doesn't fit your theory at all. It was done as an apologia for the earlier movie "The Day After". Amerika supposedly illustrated the consequences of the 'better Red than dead' philosophy where the Soviet Union wasn't resisted and allowed to take over the world. Amerika had nothing to do with an

Just as I feared from the beginning of the series, Designated Survivor has gone the full "Jericho". Remember that TV show from ten years ago?

We now know the anti-gun organization "Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence" (original name - Handgun Control Inc.) has been bragging how they helped to script this episode. No big surprise that. It was pretty clear from the previews something like that was going on.

If Hookstraten is such a mover and a shaker, why is she so unknown? Why would the President have no idea who she is?

One thing that struck me about episode 2 is a kind of weird nostalgia for 9-11. As an event which unifies the Nation and erases the usual conflicts. A nostalgia perhaps deepened by our contemporary political mess?

Oh, right now I'll predict she was the secret power behind the bombing of the Capitol.

Do you really think plotting a coup d'état is the course a senior military officer would take if he believed the President was unfit? First off you misunderstand how the military thinks. The instinct is to salute and obey even when leadership is wrong. Secondly there are perfectly legal and appropriate means for

I'm afraid this show is already showing symptoms of "Jericho disease": A TV drama with a promising premise, that is spoiled by rotten political preaching.

When you push anti-gun policies which even the ACLU and Bernie Sanders object too, yeah you are most definitely an extremist.

I can't force you to open your eyes and see the truth, I can only point the way

Go tell Brian Aitken how he is "winning"

"A few families get filthy rich and spread lies, fear and propaganda to a segment of the public whom they've convinced that owning a gun gives them power to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Politicians dissemble, collect campaign cash and ignore a public crisis. Hundreds of thousands of people are killed,

Your malice and bigotry pairs well with your political extremism, the extremism which is inherent in the American gun control crusade.

Why do police need "murder toys"?

Cultists are a fair description of the hateful, hysterical and ignorant people who propel the anti-gun movement.

Thanks for playing, and of course failing. I suppose your failure might be due to monumental ignorance of the various laws regulating guns. But I'm more inclined to believe in your ill will instead.

You really don't understand the proper role of police. How sad.

Golly, who knew that facts were racist?

Here's another analogy to discomfort you.

Golly, so you are completely unaware that rifles (of any type) are used in less than 3% of all murders in America? The NYC subway system kills more people on average than all the so-called "assault weapons" in America.