
A revealing term. Displaying homophobia by those who use it.

Why don't you go express your hatred and bigotry to Shaneen Allen?

So why is it Trump has a permit to carry in gun in NYC?

Tell you what, you can sue the gun companies for crime guns when we are allowed to sue the police when they fail to stop a crime.

When seconds matter, the police are only minutes away!

After all, only the rich and powerful are allowed guns for protection. Peasants will just have to make do. Peasants don't count.

Schumer is sickened? I'm sickened by celebrity idiots like Amy Schumer.

What you are really arguing is politics not law. And since you have lost your argument in the political arena, you are hoping to game the courts to get another chance to impose your political desires on the public.

Easily misused? Less than one out of every 30,000 guns in America is used in a murder in America. And the overwhelming majority of murder guns are by people who are guilty of illegal gun possession even before they murder someone.

So why do police use guns? Of course guns are useful products.

The process was the penalty. Anti-gun politicians were using city and state governments as plaintiffs to sue gun companies. Since the anti-gunners had the money of taxpayers sustaining the lawsuits, they didn't need to win, they only needed to keep inflicting the pain.

You failed to understand the law. Gun companies are just as vulnerable to ordinary lawsuits as any other american company.

Apparently you have no knowledge of how the anti-gun cultists were successfully using a lawsuit strategy back around 2000 to drive gun companies out of business. At least they were until several states and the U.S. congress put a stop to it.

Sure there are stupid reality shows on TV aplenty.

Interesting. So POI managed to wrap up the important dangling plot threads while still leaving open the possibility for future episodes. That explains some of what we saw in the final episode.

Oh yeah, the episode "Relevance" which introduced Shaw into the POI universe.

Uh, yeah of course the machine didn't order the hit on Nathan. But it was stupid to use a terrorist bombing to take out Nathan. The whole point of killing Nathan was to maintain the secrecy of the Northern Lights program. But a bombing should have brought more outside focus onto the Northern Light Program from

Sorry, I don't buy it. I think the writers got sloppy and the bombing was a dramatic and simple way for them to elaborate the backstory of Finch. Exciting to watch in the moment, but falling apart under reflection.

Samaritan was going to be the Great Filter unless it was stopped!

The episode that introduced Shaw? Wow.