
Who says TM and Samaritan didn't merge by the end of "Return 0"?

This show. Hot damn. I watched it from the very beginning. I'm going to miss it, but I'm glad they had the chance to finish the whole story so well.

The real KGB wasn't involved much in foreign intelligence. They were much much more a domestic internal security organization.

Yikes! I hadn't heard about that one.

Nice catch.

Maybe those captive nations behind the Iron Curtain "needs to be taken down a peg" too?

I think William's monologue about his curse of loneliness and lack of closeness, really hit home with Stan.

Creepy? I think Stan was just high on life seeing the kids act like kids, considering what Stan just witnessed of William.

Oh William did. "The American Dream!"

Think of the contrast. Elizabeth fantasizing about how much home in Smolensk must have changed then the ugly reality we saw with Philips son back in the USSR. Some 'workers paradise'.

It is going to be such a long wait until next season. Arghh!

So William in his final dying moments of loneliness and delirium, gives up to FBI counterintelligence the key to ferreting out Philip and Elizabeth, the Directorate S illegals who have so vexed the FBI — two children and a pretty wife!

I doubt we will see her as a Reagan delegate at the 1984 Republican convention!

It is a very good TV show. Game of Thrones is better.

This show, wheels within wheels…

"I don't see how people can watch such a sensitive hour of a family drama and think Elizabeth and Phillip are monsters."

Ah, I fondly remember Battlezone! That was my favorite game.

I'm really surprised this show has never shown us a video arcade from that era. That was the big deal back then, the quarter eating video arcade games and the dens which catered to them.

Paige freaking out over Elizabeth killing the bum and then confronting Elizabeth about the violence, makes me wonder about something Paige has hidden from her parents. A secret she only shares with her little brother.

wheels within wheels…