
Earlier episode. The KGB section 'that we don't talk about' came up.

Seriously, don't take any kind of hints about real-life science or technology from Stephen King.

As terrible and fearful as biological weapons are, the fact is they are not as deadly as imagined and are very impractical weapons.

I think it's possible Martha didn't make it. But from the scenes we saw in the Soviet Embassy it sure looked like the KGB was as least planning to get Martha out, as opposed to offing her.

A KGB robot. But Elizabeth is evolving into a real feeling human.

Give Paige a break. Mommy-spy did everything she could to minimize her true activities when Paige was first told.

Good point! I forgot about that false alarm story. Thanks for reminding me.

Holy Crap! Oleg spills the beans about Soviet violation of the biological-weapons treaty!

Why did Elizabeth show up early to pick up Paige?

You know I almost forgot because of the immediate drama of the rapey bum attack, but just before that attack Elizabeth actually said to Paige that they didn't need to get the tape from Pastor Tim. The tape which I assumed Elizabeth had been trying to guilt Pastor Tim into giving up for most of the episode.

Yes, I think it was said she left a note.

We've already seen Elizabeth master two armed FBI agents. Yet she's supposed to be badly threatened by two sickly bums with a knife?

What was Elizabeth's error?

Good catch!

Oh Hell yes. I was anticipating a Don suicide after every move the KGB made.

Oh dude! You missed the whole point of that scene. Elizabeth screwed up that rapist encounter because she is seriously off her game from feeling guilty. In addition to that Elizabeth had maternal instinct kicking in.

How bad must Elizabeth be hurting if she couldn't even finish listening to the recording? She's cracking.

Wheels within wheels…

What if Don's office had hidden camera monitoring?

This episode is a critical phase in the evolution of two KGB spies, not just Elizabeth. Where former adversaries, through their own inherent decency, are cracking the preconceptions and possibly even the loyalty of those KGB spies.