
Because that's what the right wing nuts at PBS say. Was I wrong to put my trust in them?

…this is a joyous occasion!

Kimmy reminds me of an actress from the 1980's, Diane Franklin.

Ah, but was Gabriel testing her? Or just giving her false reassurances? And Elizabeth probably understood those possibilities. Yet she still said yes.

Imagine if Elizabeth knew the truth — that the U.S. didn't have a bioweapons program, while the Soviets had a secret facility which produced biological warfare material on an industrial-scale, producing anthrax by the ton. All the while the KGB is making her destroy this perfect little Korean family.

To be fair, the KGB thug tackled Gaad through the door.

You mean back home?;-)


There's no kill like over-kill!

After your Gaad pun, no mercy for you!;-)

Ever since the beginning of the Americans, I was wondering how much interaction the children of the FBI family and children of the KGB neighbors would have. Too obvious? Too easy? Too Romeo and Juliet?

Vacation? I think it is the Young-hee family. They have become a surrogate family to her, an escape, and a source comfort greater than her fake KGB family and her broken Russian family ever was.

"Do you want me to ask?"

Honey-traps can be funny, as in funny strange. They are predicated on certain Western cultural assumptions and don't always play out as expected.

Perhaps. But what was the 1983 VHS market for porn like? Could be blondes was the only kind of porn poor 'ol Don could get.

"But it's either naive or dishonest to pretend that the decision whether and how to drop the bombs wasn't shaped by a whole bunch of motivations that had very little to do with the starving Japanese, the oppressed Chinese, or even the cause of Japanese surrender."

He was referring to the earlier disaster of the leaky vessel the KGB provided for smuggling out the stolen bio-war sample. "at least their threads don't leak" was about the faulty threading of the cap which was supposed to seal the capsule.

Gaad could be at risk now that the KGB knows of his trip to Thailand.

Uh, that's pretty thin gruel considering actual policy choices made by the Reagan administration at the time.