
Yeah, who cares about the imminent mass starvation of the Japanese people in 1945? Or the hundreds of Chinese dying every day during the fighting? Or the problem of trying to get millions of fanatic Japanese soldiers deployed over thousands of miles of territory to surrender rather than fight to the death.

And it should be remembered that before Germany invaded the Soviet Union in 1941, that the Soviets were the most important ally of Germany. As they carved up Poland between them and the Soviets gobbled up the Baltic nations and invaded Finland.

You could tell from beginning to end how disgusted Elizabeth was with the whole process of betraying her friend. A friend who Elizabeth has weirdly enough been more emotionally open to than her own family. This blackmail is cutting Elizabeth deeply, and might crack her loyalty to Moscow.

They made it an "event" to watch and discuss at college campuses too.

I believe "War Games" was inspired by a real life 1979 event at NORAD HQ.

That's a joke, right?

"Holy shit did they actually air a panic-inducing nuclear doomsday movie on network TV during the height of the Cold War!?! Who in the shit thought that would be a good idea!?"

Are the ratings really that bad? I thought the main problem was it was not a hit like FX expected.

Hah! I was right! From next weeks preview it is clear that Pastor Tim and wifey are more worldly than many assume, and they have insurance set aside in the event of any mysterious death or disappearance.

"do you trust the Americans with lassa?"

The Soviet shoot down of KAL Flight 007 isn't the only Cold War event the timeline of the episode has skipped.

If Stan sees Phillip with any concealed gun, it's all over for Phillip regardless of the gun. But that gun certainly would be the nail in the coffin.

Perhaps. But I think Martha truly was blinded by love.

Isn't foreign intelligence the responsibility of the GRU?

One of the brilliant aspects of The Americans is how it weaves real history into the story. That is so superior to the typical fantasy fest of typical 'spy' movies.

Uh, don't you remember the 'KGB sex training' flashback?

That reveal finally answered for me just how much Martha was living in denial. After everything that Martha witnessed, and we know Martha is more clever than she appears, I had assumed Martha must have put the pieces together of who Clark really answered to. Guess not!

She was prescribed valium by her doctor, after her panic-attack reaction to Clark scampering off.

What a huge tease that revolver turned out to be. Before Philip found it, I thought Martha might flip out and shoot one of the KGB or kill herself.

"Elizabeth could reasonably conclude that this is the first time Philip has been unfaithful to her."