I encourage you to get the fuck out if you think it’s so bad.
I encourage you to get the fuck out if you think it’s so bad.
The only reasonable solution are new built A-10s. New wings are only a partial measure, those airframes are several decades old and quite worn out from their heavy use over the last 25 years.
“You see, 60 years ago Lieutenant General Chesty Puller invented IGN24533ASC (“Sea Foam Green” to you hippies) and we use it inside of every vehicle and on 90% of gear to honor his great service”
Guys from a half a century ago would approach “guys” from today and call them pussies flat out to their faces.
You, dear readers, all have terrible taste.
Our NATO and Asian allies can’t project power. Certainly not to Syria. Obama set the red lines and then did nothing when Assad leaped across them. He had the opportunity to create a no-fly zone early on which would have precluded Assad from bombing his own civilian population and would have given the moderate…
Poor comparison IMO. Market driven profits. Beyonce and her people produce a product that people are willing to pay for. ? I mean, did she intentionally defraud the government to put the record and concert sales revenues in her pocket?? This is a general comparison since you brought it up, I am not defending her…
When a friend of my mother brought a Toyota Avalon, my mother was incensed. I asked why and she said, “That car is made by the Japanese.” To her, distaste for anything Japanese had its roots in the events of December 7th, 1941.
My dad, also a Vietnam vet (Navy UDT, then a plankowner with SEAL Team 2 when all UDT got rolled into the SEAL program) told me the exact same stuff, and was really serious about it.
We don’t convince anyone people beg to buy treasury bonds in the good old USA.
This is really the ultimate terror weapon as far as anti-insurgent operations. Imagine a reaper loitering above ISIS strongholds silently burning holes in weapons systems, frying people, and lighting shit on fire - SILENTLY.
The only reason Russia was willing to “go deep” in WWII was because they were being invaded by the Nazis. People like to pretend they were / are any stronger or more ferocious fighters than our armed forces. I would argue not at all.
Oh it’s wrong. And trophy hunters are assholes. Real men hunt to feed their family, or to help manage the herd, or the help preserve the environment. This asshole just wants to pose with a dead animal. #dick.
This is such a stupid issue. Robert Mugabe has been slaying actual Zimbabwean people for ~25 years, yet a dude kills a lion and suddenly we are supposed to collapse with outrage.
Sorry to grossly change the subject, but I have nowhere else to turn to!! My car’s engine was recently overhauled and just turned on today, and the mechanic told me to keep the engine running for 10 hours. Do I really have to?
Force for good? Don’t make me laugh. Israel is doing all of this just for its own interests.
I’ve seen that one before. Here is another popular story (from reddit user /u/markevens, “The SR-71 speed check story”, I believe this is from Maj. Brian Shul as well):
oh go drink a tofu latte, ya Debbie downer. I’m sure these ladies are quite happy making the money that they do just to stand there and look good. You must be so boring.