dubble duce

Please, by all means, give me your ignorant white-washed version of history where the North is this gallant beacon of liberty, and the south was a bunch of mouth-breathing racists driven by their hatred of the black man. I’m sure it’s a wonderful story with heroics galore. It’s just not true.

From the start of the

Here, have a flag that is going to insult everyone:

Things were relatively simple back during the bipolar world order of the late 20th century. It was the “Red or dead” era and America responded and triumphed in that two-horse race. Now it’s more like ‘Game of Thrones’, where threats include the obvious, the cunning upstarts, and the unknown.

Ahaha the typical ad-hominem fallacy of an agenda-pusher who can’t handle criticism... “oh you disagree with my idea so I’m going to say you’re just not smart enough to understand it.” Good job, you managed to employ the same kind of ignorant fallacious attacks as the people you pretend to be better than when they

Dumb Society: Oh No, another Tragic accident!

"There was a lot of traffic, and she inched close to the tracks, to the point where the railroad crossing guard arm came down and struck her rear window."

No, an idiot who drove into a train is to blame for the accident.