
I turn 40 in July, and the ability to play online without some dumbass kid spewing brainless crap over chat might just get me to play online. At my age, gaming has become my solitary Zen.

I mean...Look, I’m 35, and I can tell you right now if I had the opportunity to flip a button and only battle other people in muh online gamez who were my age or older? I’d flip that bitch in a second.

Wouldn’t you?

30 IS senior for CS Pros. I’ve seen the videos. I’ve got a job and a wife, man. Ain’t nobody but

It’s really weird that people are willing to give Nintendo free passes for doing weird shit. Yeah the game is good, but imagine the outcry if anyone else tried to sell people a hard mode.

The problem is voting with your wallet makes it impossible to get the story DLC since they are not separate entities. You need to support this DLC in order to support the meatier DLC coming down the line.

They are selling you a Hard Mode and a map tracker! You really going to sit there and say that’s normal? I wonder what line needs to be crossed in order for you to complain about something in a game?

Uh that map thing and the fast travel point sound like features that should just be added to the vanilla game via free patch. They’re quality of life improvements that nobody should have to pay for as part of DLC. In fact, this entire package seems like a small portion of the free updates we got for Witcher 3 long

I’m curious how you downloaded your Amiibo.

Sad that a UI improvement and difficulty setting are fair game for DLC. New costumes and “Horde Mode” are closer to what I’d have expected. A new map function and fast travel item though? That’s a patch update, not something I’d want to pay for.

It looks like a list of cool features they had to cut to make the release date :|

Damn... some defensive comments here. The gamer doth protest too much, methinks. He’s not saying video games are bad, he’s not attacking them. He’s saying some video games are designed to be time sinks (absolutely, positively true) and admitting that he’s vulnerable to that kind of addictive behavior.

There’s a lot of pushback coming from the comments here, which should be expected. For decades, video games have been blamed for all kinds of societal ills from violence to black magic. Talk about video game addiction can easily come across as another attack on our favorite pastime.

It’s 2018, you can actually make games look like sick animations now, the problem is the industry thinks gamers only care about maxing out their graphics card with uber detailed models, environments and movement. I love a game with high end graphics, but there’s something to be said for the artistic evocation that you

It’s from Bandai Namco so yeah, no doubt. Definitely will come to PS4 as well. Not sure with Xbox and Ps Vita.

Are you actually wishing for a exclusivity deal with a third-party game?

I own the game already. If I want to play it on my phone, I will.

Man, shortcomings be damned, this game is absolutely gorgeous. I could stare at these artworks all day and I bought the art book to do just that! I’m in love with the aesthetic of this game.

Honestly though, the live action and Arise were just future porn at best. The manga too(who needs pacing)!

I might even suggest the original movie is also pretty overhyped. Stand Alone Complex is probably the only one that does storytelling right.

I say this as a fan big fan of GITS btw. I’m like 90% sure whatever the

The stellaris one is frankly baller. Really adds depth and makes the Midgame feel less empty since you’re working towards things.

yeah, im the same way i gave final fantasy 13 about 60 hours, 13-2 about 50 hours and lightning returns 180 hours and i can say they all suck pretty hard. Lightning returns fixes some of the issues like making any companion invincible instead of giving you a game over for a character out of your control dying.

I did find combat boil down to holding attack or dodge for a while until I got past where you are now.

Unfortunately, the meat of the challenges in the game and better combat options don’t show up until later unless you equipped the Nixperience Ring. Square-Enix once again fell into the trap of catering to casual