
Right, but I also think there’s the societal aspect of. I always feel that there’s a quiet melancholy with locations being used, and that works for the movie. US settings always seem to be boisterous, and sure, that doesn’t mean it can’t work, but it would be a very different feel.

It layers all of the side characters with context, as both locations are dramatically different. And both main characters are heavily defined by the locations that they live, and that plays out when the bodies swap. Their opposite attitudes when taking the alternate body, are as much influenced by places as they are

Sure, I’m open to it.

Okay, I’ll have to address it as you’ve spent time on this comment which you shouldn’t have.

Seems forced. I don’t mind, but t-shirt designs should be based on the artist’s original idea, or, at least be a good t-shirt first and foremost. But dunno, this seems like pandering.

If Akira Toriyama did the art direction for The Witcher 3.

As long as I can build my own bike, I’m totally down for this.

As long as I can build my own bike, I’m totally down for this.

I’m definitely on the side of them making a u-turn on it. FEH did incredibly well in comparison to Super Mario Run, and although they get a much smaller slice of the pie, Pokemon Go can’t be ignored.

Totally, I think Super Mario Run would have done better as a free-to-play, too. It would seem odd to see Nintendo turn their back on a model that is proven to work on the platform, and has proven it can work with their IP. But, it’s what they said. So we’ll have to wait and see on that.

I don’t think that’s going to be too much of a problem. Sure, it’d mean more sales, but I think what’s more important is keeping the Switch in the social spectrum.

A lot of reasons but most likely - data collection and piracy.

This is what was said not long ago:

I wonder if we will see Nintendo go back on what they said before regarding their mobile intention, and how Fire Emblem Heroes is free-to-play model was a one off.

“The most difficult mainstream manga to interpret into live action.” 

No matching ring?

At least he didn’t also adopt Squall’s killer personality...

That’s usually what happens when an app goes live on the store, it won’t be searchable immediately.

The cafe will have thousands of members of staff who just stand around idly.