
Are they aware of, like... the entire history of anime and Japanese media?

calling someone a “trap” is super fucking offensive, you know that right?

Are they aware of, like... the entire history of anime and Japanese media?

Read your comment and was instantly V

I guess it’s good pop culture, especially Japanese pop culture, isn’t rife with gender bending characters that do away with the gender binary anyway.

“Much of the world during ww2 was still under brutal colonial rule of the people that were the supposed good guys of WW2.”

It’s still insensitive, and kind of ignorant by those idols. I’m an Austrian living in Asia right now, and I am quite shocked about the ignorance of historic events here, very often. This idol groups’ costume choice is just another symptom of that.

If there’s one thing you cannot hold against the German, it’s that they really teach their population the atrocities of WW2. It often feels as if Japan doesn’t care.

Considering he’s a fascist? Sounds about right.

I dislike Sundays. Make me some spaghetti, Jim.

I would think it would be Square not wanting to fund a full blown sleeping dogs 2 over them not wanting to make it themselves. They only could if square was willing to pay, and square had insane delusions of how much their western games would sell back then.

I think it’s time we bring him back. We need him now more than ever...

Because it’s not “two bad options,” and frankly I have very little patience left for anyone using that nonsense argument. After months of constant Trump meltdowns and revelations of his bigotry and misogyny, anyone seriously acting like he and Clinton are interchangeable is showing a shocking lack of empathy toward

Now playing

Some pretty good information on gaming related places and on these limited time ones as well. Educational.

What has Mercy ever done for this country? She’s not even American. Runs around, healing, which I’m told is “support”, I don’t buy it. Can’t even shoot rockets. Sad!

Trump plays his main exclusively, even when he’s getting hard-countered repeatedly.

Poor puppy

Also: you might not be that up-to-date on American culture, but from my own experience I’ve NEVER seen an “alt-right troll” come in the form of a black man lamenting poor female representation in geek culture (I hope I’m allowed to say geek culture. That doesn’t make me xenophobic, does it?)

Right, like I said, we know you don’t understand what these words mean. “Racism” is the assumption that a certain person has particular attributes solely on the basis of their perceived race. It is absolutely not an “assumption that his values are in any way compatible with the values of those held in the manga

Please include a trigger warning for Animu fans. They hate criticism against waifu factories.