
I don’t think you know what the words ‘racist’ and ‘xenophobic’ mean... Or maybe how humor and satire work. It’s not inherently racist, sexist and xenophobic to comment or make comedic observations (or play on some people’s perceptions) of the products that come from another culture.

What country are you from? And what is your favorite flavor of pocky?

Fucking nailed it. All of it.

I’m usually on the side of defending that kind of stuff, but I think that’s a bit of a stretch. He doesn’t attribute said creepyness to Japanese people or even Japanese men, just the industry, which is literally profiting off of said creepiness and not afraid to be very upfront with that. And majority of the

Hrmm, the portion of script written by the Manga writer might has some obvious flaws but I don’t want to make any changes till the Walrus comes in to give the script a once over.

*nerd bursts through the door*

Actually, she’s not really twleve, she’s a 500 year old immortal dragon that just so happens to take the form of a twelve year old, so it’s k.

These ant... all they do is send their biters, and their picnic-crashers, and their mound builders. And some of them, I’m sure, are nice ants.

Luckey being an embarassing racist idiot has absolutely nothing to do with where your computer was manufactured, but I salute you for realizing you had no coherent argument or point to make and then choosing to post anyway. You’ve made everyone else’s posts look smarter by comparison.

“Nothing anybody says will change my mind on who to vote for”

Lunatic attributions? Motherfucker, what election have you been watching? Dude encouraged his supporters to beat people up. He’s pledged to overturn gay marriage. He wants to deport american citizens. These are things he himself has said. Well documented things. I’m not even talking new stuff like bringing back stop

Until he says something different or contradictory to something he previously said and his supporters don’t bat an eye while he claims to have never said those things despite incontrovertible. Real straight shooter. Kind of like Trump.

No it doesn’t but Trump is in a class all of his own. On his worst days Farage was what could be described as xenophobic but at least he wasn’t ever calling for the assassination of political opponents or killing people in the streets.

Hey, it’s a free country, I can’t legally stop you from fucking yourself, can only tell you it’s a bad idea that will lead the country to unimaginable strife.

I can only speak for myself, but I do kinda care. I’m not a neutral person. No one is.

Guess I’ll be buying a Vive, then.

White Silicon Valley Tech Millionaire Unaware He Is Already Part Of The American Elite

It’s not like anyone is saying he doesn’t have the right to do it. It’s just that this is significant news. He’s trying to shape the political debate in this country in some way. That’s worth reporting on. And a lot of people are going to care.

That Deathnote movie is fucking awful.

All of those are B movie quality... scifi original.

... The Death note movies weren’t all THAT good. I mean, they weren’t exactly bad... but they kinda just had a certain something that was a little off, I think.