
Why are you in the greys? 

It was a thing on PlayStation long before it was a thing on Xbox. Dishonest journos with a selective memory say otherwise.

This article (and most on this topic) are deliberately ignorant of these facts. Sony being the bad guy is the narrative they want.

Yeah, what a completely off topic thing for him to ask right? He should save it for the PS4 sales articles, oh wait, Kotaku only suck Switch dick so he can't.

Why does this site not cover PS4 sales as religiously as it does the Switch?

Pokemon avatar, gives Nintendo best rating, checks out.

Pubg says hi.

Except valve have said nothing. Snowflakes are trying to pressure valve into banning it.

The go-to response of defending censorship. “Oh, of course you can still say whatever you want, we’ll shoot you in the head if you do, but you’re still technically free to say it”.

Hope you get it, it’s amazing on psvr.

Boi don’t be so deluded.

They invented it. Meanwhile, nobody whines about the switch not being bc.

It’s not out til October, try less whining.

It’s the best selling gta so I hardly think it destroyed the franchise. People have voted with their wallets, gta online is loved.

It wasn’t supposed to be subtle, it was designed to get you to get hype while maintaining a sliver of doubt until you finally see them.

The entitlement.

Seems like you’re the one not letting go.

I’m so outraged. Show me your outrage boner fellow outrage enthusiast.

Glad others are calling out that spastic.

What’s a good game for you? Zelda 29? Mario 43? Halo 10?