It’s where people with wrong-think are sent. A form of censorship.
It’s where people with wrong-think are sent. A form of censorship.
Or kratos dies and you become the kid in sequels.
I think the tlou comparisons are bs. Having an over the shoulder view, a companion and good visuals doesn’t make you a tlou clone. Ones a shooter for god’s sake.
Wouldn’t be a point in consoles without console exclusives. It’s why Xbox isn’t doing well.
Because this game will sell like crazy.
Doesn’t Sony own the Spiderman license?
You best avoid the incoming glowing reviews then.
How the fuck did any of this look like a movie? That combat looked sick, go play pubg kid.
Kratos is immortal, this takes place in the future, he bangs chicks left and right, not hard hat hard to think he’d eventually father more kids.
Iron deficiency! Hahahahaha, brilliant!
Do you ever stop crying?
Hurry up and melt snowflake.
Spencer: I’m against keeping content from gamers (talking about Destiny and Sony dlc).
What a moron you are. You would run a company into the ground. 99% of gamers don’t know or care about crossplay, the only reason it’s regurgitated so much is the vocal minority and fanboys trying to get one up on each other.
What nonsense, defend harder.
Still butthurt on Sony’s dominance this gen I see.
24fps? Where did you hear that nonsense?
The Boss is the greatest female character ever created in a game.
Save the concern for when this becomes an issue. Standard PS4 games have not suffered, horizon looks amazing on it.
You are brave.