I’ve really enjoyed the Marvel movies! But give me a movie about the Marvel characters, and not a movie about the ending of certain movies about the Marvel characters, know what I mean?
You really don’t think there has to be SOME consideration given to the severity of the infraction and the nexus between the infraction and the injury?
In the replay he wasnt injured as a direct result of the cross check. Pavelski lost his balance and was run into by Stastny. I hope Pavelski is alright, but that was absolutely not a 5 minute major. There was no intent to injure, there was no maliciousness to the cross check. Could have easily given him 2, but no way…
Watching the replay of the 4 goals scored on the PP, man did Fluery look a bit shaken up. Reacting and banging his stick on the ice. I wonder if the whole team felt that way. I don’t know if Vegas had a time out at that point, but if they did they might have considered taking it.
I’m pulling for the Sharks, since their window is closing fast, but I don’t like that call.
Every person that thought Avenatti might be a good answer to trump has changed their mind about him by about 5-10 scandals ago.
This guy is a fucking cartoon. When a pretty woman walks by, I bet his eyes swirl and pop out and he shouts AH-OOOOO-GAH.
That isn't even true. Signed, former prosecutor.
Maybe I’m missing something here, but isn’t the constant criticism of DOPS that they punish results, not actions? Wouldn’t punishing Foegele here be exactly that? (Caveat that I used to care a lot more about hockey than I do now, so this might be a three year old complaint).
You’re not wrong - fifty cross checks to the kidneys like that go unpenalized in every playoff game. Hockey refs have a bad habit of penalizing consequences instead of actions, so the fact Oshie fell down and hit the boards awkwardly is the only reason this was a penalty at all.
The featured image is way more illustrative of their dynamic last night. I just love what a leering shithead Durant looks like in the other one.
I considered making it the top photo but my thinking was that it looked too one-sided and it downplays the “beef” aspect if Durant, who people already know is the better player, looks like the dominant force. But it’s still a top-tier NBA pic. One that Durant will use a decade from now to rewrite history and claim he…
It’s basically spin + the air flow over the ball, specifically the seams.
Red stripey things on the outside of the ball + spinny spin spin + air = dancing ball
Debateable. But I don’t think so. Wilt could not run in small ball. Maybe, maybe he would have been viable in the 90’s, but today, he would be like Rudy gobert. Elite center, but ultimately a non factor
If only the shooter had been as accurate as Russ...
RIP, Nipsey.
You can tell he clearly knows he didn’t get all of it. And flips the bat out of frustration. This is a terrible post.
A sport so insanely boring that the way people let go of the bat is analysed. This is nothing.
It kind of almost looks like he’s upset because he knows he didn’t get all of it. Am I crazy?