
Meh. Six years, and it isn’t like he locked her in a room or masturbated in front of her.

He reached out to her like one day after that date, she told him she had felt abused, and he apologized and tried to make amends immediately. After the story came out he made a public apology. He shouldn’t be on this list.

I want for him to publicly adress this situation and give at least some semblance of regret

Isn’t that what Aziz Ansari did immediately following the article that tanked him - it was said he reached back out to the woman and apologized personally and profusely - and yet... he’s still not forgiven?

I definitely would side-eye any of these people seeking to mentor women, though. That seems like a recipe for a repeat.

These two statements would seem to slightly contradict themselves.

If it bothers you so much, don’t watch his shit. 

And caring even less. Having said that, I read these articles in an effort to keep up with the kids these days. Note: Their interests are incredibly disappointing.

It just goes to show how splintered even YouTube’s audience is. When Kotaku did an article about VidCon (the YouTuber convention) a few months ago, I had never heard of any of the attendees, despite many of them having over a million subscribers, some having over 10 million.

This is a good point. Most readers here probably wouldn’t know who these twats are if it wasn’t for Kotaku continually telling us. Not publishing stories about them wouldn't cut back on their subscribers or anything meaningful, but we could all live on in blissful ignorance here. Which would be nice. 

You know whats weird? I’m a pretty plugged-in guy, I'm on serveral different social medias, including YouTube, I'm on Reddit all the time, I follow some news outlets... and I never hear about this guy apart from articles on here talking about how absolutely everyone knows him and how he’s the apparent evil heir to all

Hey viewers.

One of the best things about being in my 40s is having no clue who these people are.

No I’m not looking for more sensitive football coaches. More like when I watch shows like Hard Knocks, I’m just surprised by how most of the coaches who try to be motivational hardasses just seem lame to me, like nerds cosplaying drill sergeants. But it’s probably because of the weird asymmetry between the

Exactly. Hue comes off fine, he might be (as his record indicates) a level above where he belongs (OC), but he’s certainly likeable enough. Meanwhile, their coordinators are arguably the biggest assholes in the league in their respective positions, and the show is doing a good job of confirming that.

How much does Ward’s technique on that tackle have to do with the new helmet rule? Seems like, before this year, a tackler in that situation would dip his head and drive his shoulder into the ball carrier, as opposed to doing the “kneel-and-catch” thing Ward’s doing here. (Not saying whether the helmet rule is right

Williams and Todd Haley are both such irritating wannabe hardasses on Hard Knocks.

Beadle’s job is to host what is basically the sports equivalent of The View, and that does not require her to be able to explain the intricacies of a zone blocking scheme or break down a jet sweep. She’s there to guide discussions about narratives and broad storylines, which she can do just fine without watching

Considering that the Nazis did practically invent the term sub-human (see: untermensch) is calling him a Nazi really far off?