
I don’t know that defending a wealthy serial drunk driver with rape allegations under his belt is the best tactic in highlighting the flaws of US policy towards Immigrants but, hey, what do I know?

In fact, men seeking this cut are often times told to just go to a military barber and ask for it “high and tight”

They meant change a tire from slightly under-inflated to optimally inflated.

They meant change a tire from slightly under-inflated to optimally inflated.

what is she talking about?

This comment section has led me to believe that what you’re describing is an impossibility. What did the white kids do to deserve it?

Not that there’s anything wrong with it.

Shorter version of every kinja comment section, actually.

Comments like yours make me believe her a little more.

Do you think it’s possible that masons, roofers, landscapers etc. juuust might complain about the physical toll on their body after working year round too?

Yeah. It’s impossible for gay people to bully someone just like it’s impossible to be racist as a minority. Case closed.

Why does it always have to be a white vs black thing?

Why do they need music to chant it? Maybe I’m a bit of a purist but the spastic and uptempo “Sandstorm” really takes away from what should be a stand alone chant. It’s like seasoning your meat and potatoes with confetti frosting.

The Democrats don’t need to go left. They need to go farther to the center.

yes it is. It’s like rain on your wedding day.

It’s like Louis CK says, “Everything is amazing and nobody is happy.”

It begins with controlling impulses at 16. It ends in a house full of cats snaking between a minefield of urine filled gatorade bottles, and every edition of the Times from 1987 onwards is stacked in the master bathroom. Spanning the chasm between these two moments is the omnipresence of a character, a man, who never

Patience is good. Flagellating is not. Some people (Hi, Mom!) get as much gratification out of sacrifice as they do the actual end result. Some people don’t.

I’m just wondering the types of conversations one must be having for this sentiment to be recurrently germane.

And we’re also leaving out the fact that this full court pass was a CHEST PASS. How does one toss a basketball that far and that hard without going overhand?