
“Amortization schedules, how the fuck do they work? And I don’t wannna hear from no economist, y’all giving my jobs to foreigners and gettin’ me pissed.”

mrw the filter says HEPA rated but I’m a mold spore and IDGAF

I hate nearly everything about my favorite teams and their fanbases. This is how I know I care.

Any way we could make the gif shorter and subtitles longer?

Not really, but this guy sure seems to think so.

They are a key source of important vitamins and minerals... and they taste yummy.

OH, hilldawg won. But you said the DNC couldn’t have done anything when, maybe, they could have NOT done a few things.

Is that why Debbie Wasserman Shultz resigned? — Because the DNC was so beholden to the voice of the people she just couldn’t take it anymore?

My attitude problem? For calling out contrarian debbie-downer bullshit? Project much?


I disagree

Glad there’s still hope for this world because people finally seem to be getting worked up about the things that truly matter—bratty white kids who poutily trip their opponents. I always said one of the most important things we can do to make this nation, and our world better for everyone, is to make sure nobody ever

I’m sure he’s a nice guy and probably just has a little issue communicating his care in ways that don’t accidentally effervesce the slight notes of disparagement baked into the yesteryear code he’s not willing to introduce to nuance —— BUUUUT..... saying punching a woman is the “same” as punching a toddler is LITERALLY

what’s ‘noococ’?

Speak for yourself. I’m not sanctimonious at all which is why I’m so great.

Nothing says ‘I respect and honor women’ quite like an all-pervasive belief that they can’t take care of themselves and that anything with a vagina could never pose a threat to you because you’re a stoic man.

The stats are what they are just like the opponents they’ve faced are the opponents they’ve faced. Their lack of control in determining their schedule has nothing to do with anything being said here.


conversely, it’s also like you taking drunk swings at people outside a bar and then wondering why you got shot in the leg with a .38 revolver.

If i witnessed you for instance knock out that girl, you would be fucking lucky to get carried out alive.