Gumby Brain Specialist

Understandable, he’s not the Gary Youngman he used to be

They should slowly, one by one, replace each of the characters with CGI replicas over the course of the season, until the finale is just pure uncanny valley, with one of those David Lynch ominous buzzing sounds playing over the entire soundtrack before CGI Garlin screams and it cuts to black.

I’ll follow along here for the season. But folks, if Donna Bowman’s writing on BB/BCS meant anything to you over the years- as it very much does to me- I’d encourage you to check out her new home for tonight’s episode and the rest of season 6 to come. You might recognize someone else there too.

A lot of this speculation misses the point of Mad Men. It was an examination of the American dream; of course it was a tv commercial, written my a man whose persona was an advertisement for himself, in an incarnation of an industry that doesn’t exist anymore (the historical “mad” ad men of the ‘60s). A meaningful

I’m not an in-joke! I’m a human being!

The fact that you wrote all that in character is what I love about you wonderful weirdos <3

Me think me speak for many, many readers when me say writers who keep this site going in future not really issue, as this is last time me will click on site that me loved for so many years. G/O has destroyed beloved cultural institution — gutting this site akin to bulldozing Sesame Street, and me for one not would be


At the risk of self-indulgence, I’m gonna pop down here for whoever is poking around in the comments section to say that this is my last A.V. Club review. (I believe that’s the case for everyone writing an A.V. Club movie review this week.) This is really more of a farewell-toned piece, ICYMI:

“He gave us this!”

Ben Affleck as Shannon Hamilton from Mallrats.

So, basically The Starlost?

Duel is fucking great and I bristled sharply when the Jaws writer wrote “THIS IS WHERE IT TRULY BEGAN” as if Duel doesn’t have multiple scenes that are nearly on par with Jaws.

I was wondering who’d go with Duel - it’s almost one big set piece.

there’s a scene in Sugerland Express, set inside the car, where the camera does a 360. Considering it was made in 1974, that’s remarkable.