I prefer to think of that message as validation: “I’m too smart to get suckered into buying an expensive part aninstead got something just as good for less.”
I prefer to think of that message as validation: “I’m too smart to get suckered into buying an expensive part aninstead got something just as good for less.”
As a backpacker in some ecologically sensitive areas I have to do this anyway. As I have help from gravity, and the wind takes any smells away, it’s not so bad.
True, the earth is 75% ocean by area so to miss it would take Boeing levels of incompetence.
The soyuz landing kit includes a gun! If you go to the russian space museum in moscow you’ll see a diorama of returned cosmonauts sitting by a fire (!) outside their capsule waiting to be picked up.
You may not want to see them and I may not want to see them but the same crowd who love goatse and 1C2G will be all over the freaky evangelical shit.
Which apps do you recommend right now for lifting and gym cardio?
Don’t mourn it; I’m sure it’ll be back in the Director’s Cut. Authenticity of the Auteur and all that, you know!
Those years studying dead languages in high school has paid off in the sheer pleasure of the word “pyroclastic”
Excellent, let’s keep it that way. This great honeypot is a perfect way to identify these losers and mock them mercilessly. Drive them underground and you not only make them harder to find but also feeds their paranoid persecution complex.
Since he never speaks the truth (like the bit you quoted when he said the GOP never did torture-by-investigation) it appears he does *not* have the support of the police nor military. Whew!
I moved to the US from Australia so clearly I have a relative who was not only imprisoned but *exiled to another continent*. Not that anybody alive has met said relative.
There’s an installation gallery in the old water cistern under the Søndermarken park that is unexpectedly really fun. I wasn’t really sure what to expect and it was a fun, if a little dank exhibition space.
Much respect.
I fell off the wagon in October, so I have a plan to get back into shape:
Either Sebastian Gorka or Megyn Kelly. The latter has the advantage that nobody has to change the labels on their ancient desk telephones.
Plus, you know, actually cooking rarely takes longer than the alternatives (going to restaurant, or ordering in and waiting for it to arrive — you can’t start any big project anyway). Yes I know you can imagine something fancy that will take forever, but you were never going to make that anyway, were you?
Or, you know, just make your own waterproof matches with some regiular matches and candle wax. Oh, you want them to work through being dunked in water? Just use those magic birthday candles. Though actually that’s a bit annoying when you’re lighting a stove in the back country...
Or, you know, just make your own waterproof matches with some regiular matches and candle wax. Oh, you want them to…
Yawn. Wake me up when Trump is *right* about something. That would be news.
What a disappointment: with that headline I thought this would be an article about the Trump White House.
If we learn nothing else from this tragedy it’s that thoughts and prayers apparently apply to engineering failures, not just shootings.