
I'm a HUGE Pumpkins fan so I always gave them a bit more leeway, but they also kind of lost me after the first Machina (which despite its reputation is a great album imo). I just haven't really gotten into any of their stuff after that. Oceania was decent but it didn't grab me the way Siamese Dream, Mellon Collie or

Nightswimming makes up for anything bad REM has ever done or will ever do

YES! Nightswimming is fucking BEAUTIFUL, it's one of the rare handful of songs that brings an emotional reaction in me every single time I hear it.

Lost me at the hate for Nightswimming, which is one of the most achingly gorgeous fucking songs ever written.

After that 4th quarter against the Falcons, Tom Brady has transcended to a higher plane of existence and is no longer concerned with these mere mortal problems.

Malick needs to stop and go back to making movies once a decade. All his recent stuff have been pretentious, self-indulgent bores. Dude is losing it.

Millions of dollars take the sting out of almost everything. I really doubt James cares about whether some random nerds on the Internet are making fun of her. I think these books/movies are dumb as hell, but props to her for cashing out.

I know Rotten Tomatoes isn't exactly the standard-bearer for the quality of a film, but John Wick 2 is sitting at 95% based on 21 reviews.

Yeah based on how he's pissing all over you Americans, that seems likely

Count me in. I fucking love these movies. They pretty much turned dumb fun into an art

This is ridiculous, what exactly are they hoping to achieve out of this? Despite the trolls and weirdo pervs, the IMDB boards are one of the best places online to discuss your favourite movies/tv shows/cartoons what have you. There was a board for literally EVERYTHING. You cannot get that kind of depth and breadth on

Logan and The Circle are pretty much the only ones I'm hyped about

Not just you, me too

Word, I loved that they have this mythology behind all the ass-kicking and gunfire, and it looks like they're going to flesh it out in the sequel. So pumped

It's definitely one of the best contemporary American horror movies, and one of the best things Gore Verbinski's ever done. It's just dripping with atmosphere and menace and the cinematography is fantastic. Not to mention it's just plain creepy

Seriously, if you're gonna make a racist insult at least make sure it's a clever one

They're really killing it with these awesome trailers. Looks action-packed with some gallows humor but there's also a sense of finality and of things coming to an end. Looking forward to it

I'm not white

Ah there we go, my weekly AV Club reminder that being a dude and finding a hot woman desirable is gross

Yup, even when they nitpick good movies, it's mostly as a joke, and they usually acknowledge the quality of the film.