
I thought Interstellar was fantastic and definitely one of Nolan's best. Then again, I'm a sucker for crazy sci-fi astronomy concepts so the movie was tailor-made for me

I love that they actually went full-bore into making the apes actual protagonists and the driving force behind the story as opposed to being secondary characters to the humans, who are mostly incompetent shitheels in this new series.

Same, Dawn was great, but Rise was even better

I'm ashamed to say that it worked. I will be purchasing a ticket to this cinematic feature

Yeah I did enjoy Hanna, it was very stylish and had some great acting, but it was kind of weird and offbeat.

Lol yeah I was gonna say, did this guy watch Batman vs Superman and confuse it for Spiderman? Peter's whole MO is his witty banter during fights. That's what makes Spidey who he is.

The new films are fantastic. Outside of Chris Nolan, they do the whole large-scale blockbuster with brains thing better than anyone. The movies have been so commercially successful that when you think about it, it's pretty daring that the main characters in these movies are digitally rendered apes that don't even

I saw that as more of a tongue-in-cheek kind of thing where Bond was toying with Silva and countering his behaviour.

Captain America? Although I think it's a matter of personal preference whether one prefers the more grounded espionage narrative of Winter Soldier or the more comic booky yet politically charged epic action of Civil War

Yeah he's one of the few directors today whose movies I will watch on opening day, and where every release feels like an "event". He's in elite company with the likes of David Fincher, Edgar Wright, Alfonso Cuaron, Quentin Tarantino, Paul Thomas Anderson etc.

Yeah Oxenfree left me cold. I found the dialogue really irritating. I know lots of teens and nobody talks like that. The story didn't really do anything for me and it didn't really even go anywhere until the end, and even then it was underwhelming. The narrative choices didn't really seem to affect much either.

Playing Shadowrun: Dragonfall right now and enjoying it. It's got a pretty interesting cyberpunk sci-fi atmosphere and fairly deep action-RPG mechanics. Production values are so-so but I'm enjoying the world and the characters. I did buy a bunch of games in the Steam summer sale that I've been meaning to play for a

I'll probably be finishing up "Oxenfree" this weekend. I'm about 3 hours into it, and it's…a little underwhelming, tbqh. I feel like there are a lot of things happening, but none of it really has a lot of meaning and I am not getting any explanations behind any of it. It's mostly just a sequence of supernatural

Not to mention a Norse god from a magical kingdom in the sky, a dude that can turn into a living flame, a man that can shrink and expand his physical form without any repercussion and talk to ants…

Moreover, a massive budget Hollywood blockbuster starring a black superhero with a primarily black cast that will most certainly demolish the box office

"her new show GLOW where she actually has gone nude ( not a rumor folks, it's true )"

I find it hilarious that there is so much disdain on AVC for Reddit when the demographic for both are pretty much the same. When it comes to discussing media like TV, movies and music, I've found Reddit to offer a much greater variety of insight and opinions. The AVC staff need to get off their fucking high horse

Yeah the NSFW subs really are gloriously, perversely wonderful

I just can't even comprehend anyone not liking that song

Radiohead. They have some albums that can be considered a little weak - Pablo Honey, The King of Limbs - but I don't think either of those are horrible and the rest of their catalog is good (Hail to the Thief, Amnesiac) to great (Kid A, A Moon Shaped Pool) to transcendent (OK Computer, In Rainbows)