
You're not the only one. Excessive fanboyism is just irritating to me. I think Rogue One was hugely overpraised anyway; it was just okay.

Yes, I actually really like that they went with that instead of a more typical ending

Not understanding the praise for Rogue One. It was serviceable and even quite entertaining at parts, but really only the climax on Scarif was anything close to memorable. I found the first hour or so to be dull and plodding. Mads was criminally under-utilized. I liked that it was darker and bleaker than past SW films

This song is fantastic and Counting Crows aren't nearly as bad as they're made out to be

Adam Driver is handsome? Not sure if cereal

Far Cry 3 was great. Vaas was an amazing villain and I enjoyed how kooky the storyline was. But yeah, "white dude saves native people" was kind of annoying

I was getting ready to disagree but looking at his discography you're not really wrong. Aside from Blade Runner and Alien, the only other movies he's made that I would say are quite good are Black Hawk Down and The Martian. Gladiator is decent as well.

I loved the book, so I'm pretty amped for this movie

Overwatch is the most fun I've had playing a shooter in a very long time. Part of it is the variety of the characters, but credit to Blizzard for emphasizing team-based objectives over single-minded lone-wolf kills ala CoD. It just makes the experience a really fun communal affair.

Thank YOU! Jesus, I thought I was the only one that loved Constantine! That movie was batshit insane but I have such an irrational love for it. One of my favourite action-fantasy movies

Yeah they've had a pretty stellar track record for the last decade or so. Everytime I think that a show they're releasing is going to suck, it ends up surprising me. Sure, they still have a tendency to go heavy on the corny melodrama and relationship angst, but most of their shows are legitimately pretty great

First half was kind of dull and listless, but really picked up once they went to Scarif.

I pretty much felt exactly the same way. The first 3 quarters or so felt a little aimless and dull, and I didn't connect with any of the characters. The final act on the jungle planet was great though.

Holy shit I am so in. This series is the standard-bearer for crazy, over-the-top, ridiculous yet fun and exhilarating action.

Seriously man, they find a way to top the previous movie's ridiculousness every time, and somehow the series just keeps getting better. And I also love the half-earnest/half-mocking tone to the insane plotlines and set pieces. It's just the right balance to make these movies genuinely fun.

*raises hand tentatively*

I mean…it is Marissa Tomei after all…

I typically don't like musicals but I'll probably go check this one out. The fiancee's been dying to watch it, and I LOVED Whiplash so I'll give anything by the director a chance. Also that Gosling fella and Emma gal are pretty neat too

You sound like fun

Seriously, they've gotten as banal and pointless as they possibly can, to the point where anyone trying even a little bit can turn them into a (relatively) decent blockbuster. It doesn't even need to be a "good" movie, just needs to be fun