
Ok that looks awesome. I haven't been a big fan of the solo Wolverine films but this looks different - more low-key, gritty and downright melancholy. Jackman looks perfect as Old Man Logan and the Western vibe is neat. Count me in.

Exactly. He's both fascinating and repulsive, capable of both love, empathy, understanding, and bitter hate, misogyny, homophobia and everything else on the emotional spectrum. He really is one of the most complex artists contemporary music has seen.

Seriously, 'Till I Collapse' has gotten me through many final reps of heavy lifting

A Thor and Hulk sci fi/fantasy buddy comedy with some cosmic mysticism and epicness thrown in sounds awesome. Maybe we'll even get Beta Ray Bill? Sam Neill apparently appears in an undisclosed role - maybe the voice for BRB?

To be fair, everyone was up in arms over Edgar Wright leaving Ant Man and the movie being taken over by "the guy who did that one cheerleading movie", but Ant Man actually turned out really well. The same could've been said for the Russo bros directing Winter Soldier as well.

Oh yeah those too

Exactly! This is a teenager who's spent his whole life being powerless and invisible. Why WOULDN'T he be on top of the world once he gets these super cool powers and has the ability to fight bad guys and save innocent people?

I know those feels bud, Netflix Canada sucks too

Or maybe not every serious film fan has the money to drop on physical formats for every movie they love - which, if they are a cinephile, would be a huge number. Not to mention the space to store all of them.

I'm cautiously optimistic if they're going the more suspenseful route instead of the kitchen sink approach like in Jurassic World. Jurassic World was sporadically fun, but by and large it was awkward and cheesy. I hope they tone down the scale and focus more on the horror-like aspects of dinos being on the loose


Bro do you even Wire

I think that'd be a bold choice for any show to make, even in 2016, as the rape fetish is still something strongly stigmatized and seen as "wrong". Plus, I don't think it would be right for the character. Joanna never struck me as someone who would be into "play" rape. Bondage and choking are entirely different things.

Sucky creativity is exactly right. DC has no goddamn clue on how to make superheroes FUN. Not only are their attempts at humour cringeworthy and stupid, they have no idea how to make the action scenes entertaining. Take the Supes vs Kryptonians fight at the end of MoS for instance. It's literally just sped-up/slow-mo

It helps that Chris Evans is really likeable and charismatic in the role. He really imbues Cap with that inspirational, leader-like qualities a character like this needs. Henry Cavill just frowns and scowls a lot.

I wish Usher would do more songs like 'Climax' and his old hits like 'Burn' and 'Confessions' instead of the usual disposable EDMish club BS he drops these days. Those were his real forte and made use of his formidable vocals.

Can someone explain to me what Aubrey Plaza's appeal is? She is one of the most one-note, charm-free actresses working today, and she's not even particularly attractive (subjective, just in my opinion). So why is the internet so crazy about her?

That's a good point. Hannibal was always highly stylized and operatic. Mr. Robot is starker and more low-key, so the framing and cinematography does work in context

I think the framing is better utilized than Hannibal, which at times seemed showy just for the sake of it

Agreed, I thought it was keeping in line with what we've seen of Price. He doesn't seem like the kind of guy who wants to be a big-shot CEO just for status and money. He wants power for power's sake. It's ambition taken into overdrive.