
As if the bizarre, surreal, utterly compelling narrative and powerful performances weren't enough, this show, on top of all that, has to be one of the greatest technical achievements I've seen on TV in quite some time. The way the off-kilter framing, cinematography and eerie music come together to create an atmosphere

Easily the best a superhero show as ever been on TV

Hmm, I wasn't completely aware of that but I can definitely believe it based on what little I have seen of her previous comments.

She made an ASSUMPTION about how someone was looking at her. She took her own self-loathing of how she looks and she applied it to a random man, and then she publicly called him out on it. That's pretty shitty.

The AV Club is as liberal as it gets and Lena Dunham, for some reason, is seen as some kind of media liberal, progressive figurehead. She's their sacred cow. The AV Club has just been very slowly and steadily moving towards Jezebel-style clickbait over the last couple of years instead of focusing on turning out well

This isn't really racism though. People are just annoyed at how laughably egotistical and self-absorbed she is to immediately think that Beckham was judging her physique just because he…what, looked at her for a second and didn't say anything?

God, I hate being a millennial sometimes. We are represented by the worst fucking people.

See, that's the thing - some of those artists you mentioned I actually really like, such as Red House Painters and Low. As for Radiohead they're one of mt favourite bands. For me, it has little to do with being depressed or glum. I'm probably the happiest right now than I've ever been in my life, but I just find the

I'm 26, prime age for the kind of millenial hipsters that adore Bon Iver, and I think he's boring and lifeless. Never did understand the hype. It all sounds so overly portentous and self-serious. Like come man, have a little fun

Well to be fair, he's not wrong about hoes not being loyal.

I jut read the DC Universe Rebirth One-Shot and I really enjoyed it. It's great to see Wally West back in the picture again and his reunion with Barry was spectacularly written and illustrated. As for the big twist at the end, I'm reserving judgment for now

Holy shit man, so much this. I think they get scared off by the supposed image of Aquaman as a lame, corny superhero who talks to fishes. In reality, it's really only an internet meme that got out of hand (like most of them). From my experience, most people in the real world tend to think Aquaman is pretty cool

If there's one thing the otherwise terrible Suicide Squad movie got right, it was casting Viola Davis as Waller. She was absolutely perfect

Agreed. I love how Sam Esmail and his crew are going all in on the surreal, nightmarish tone of the show. I can't remember the last time I watched something so strange, off-kilter and yet so entertaining at the same time. It's like David Lynch decided to have some fun with his weirdness.

South Park wasn't wrong - it IS the greatest album ever!

I was sold with that screencap of Jane Levy crawling on the floor with tears in her eyes.

People actually care about Barb? I literally forgot she existed anytime she was not on screen or the characters weren't talking about her. She had no purpose or personality other than being mildly disappointed in Nancy. The internet is weird.

What else were people actually expecting? Most of Rio is a shithole at the best of times. Add a huge amount of wealthy foreign presence ad security stretched thin, I'm surprised there hasn't been worse incidents happening than this.

Definitely excited for this. Mike Colter made the otherwise tedious Jessica Jones tolerable. I also like that they seem to be going for a 'hood conflict type of story, always dig those.

Can't really picture Momoa as the premier superhero for mopey, angsty, woe-is-me teenagers. He's too masculine. They should get some weird, skinny dork to play the role, like Adam Driver