
Honestly it's just that most people are dumb and have awful taste

Malek is going to make Charlie Hunnam look even more boring and charisma-free than he already is.

I finished playing Life is Strange. Even though the ending could have been handled better, it was still an emotionally powerful, wrenching experience overall that tackled some themes I've never seen in a video game. Excellent character development and a keen eye for teenage personalities, as well as the mysterious,

They could literally title it anything and get away with it, that's how absurd (and awesome) and irreverent the movie was

I'm just gonna say it: the "Sabotage" sequence was freakin' awesome. As soon as the opening guitars came in, and Kirk with the little smile on his face goes, "…that's a good choice"…it was absurd, over-the-top, and just plain fun as hell.

Yes! 100% agreed. The scenes in daytime or when they were well-lit were actually very well done, but whenever they were inside a ship or doing anything at night, my head was hurting trying to figure out wtf was going on. It was just way too dark. I have no idea what actually happened inside the Enterprise when Krall

Something about it just seemed off. Rushed is a good way to put it - it seemed very unfocused and patchwork even by trailer standards. And DC is trying way too hard for Marvel-style banter. I didn't find any of the lines funny, just cringeworthy

God she's so damn hot. I'd be locked up in a room with her for years anytime

Damn, I'm so hyped for this. I love all of the cast involved, and it really looks they're going 100% full Dr. Strange weirdness and trippyness.

Harley Quinn

After the atrocious, cringeworthy shitshow that was the Justice League trailer, this is a welcome respite. Looks pretty badass, I'm on board.

I've been listening to some of Em's older albums lately - they don't hit me as hard as they used when I was an angry, misanthropic teenager, but goddamn, if this guy couldn't just spit straight fire in his prime. I mean…yes, he could be almost cartoonishly homophobic and misogynist but I really do think that it's all

I know Rotten Tomatoes isn't always a great indicator of a movie's quality, but this movie is currently sitting at a 88% from 109 reviews, which is terrific for the third entry in an action blockbuster series. It's even more surprising when you consider the fact that a lot of (internet) people had written this movie


I really wish I could experience that "magical night in the big city" thing. I've lived in a huge city (Toronto) my whole life, and I think I've kind of taken a night out in a place like that for granted. But I see what you mean: if i take a step back, it really is wonderful just how much of EVERYTHING there is in the

Glad you mentioned Deftones, they fucking rock and their music is way too nuanced to be considered nu-metal

As a South Asian male, I am consistently baffled at the big fuss made by media outlets about "cultural appropriation". And blaming straight, white males for everything. Come on!

I mean…the imagery is gorgeous which is a given in Malick films, but does anyone else feel like he has veered a bit too far up his own ass in his most recent films? I watched To The Wonder and Knight of Cups and they were massive slogs, just a bunch of pretty pictures with not much else going on underneath. Days of

As a (non-practicing) Muslim South Asian man, I agree with him. The beard and the topi is not a good look these days

This guy makes some really shitty movies