
Yes it is

Thanks for the triggers back to my traumatizing experience of watching Prometheus, you misoginyst pig

Halle Berry, hallelujah

Don't give a fuck about the album, but goddamn Rihanna is FINE as hell. The weirder and more aggressive she gets the more I'm attracted to her.

Oh god, I didn't even think of the furries…might have to give this one a wide berth until I can see it at home….

The teaser trailer for Zootopia instantly sold me on that film, so I'm definitely looking forward to that.

This was great, a huge improvement over the first one. This was closer to the feel of the "classic" run of XF (1-5, some of 6) than most of the later seasons. It's great to see Mulder/Scully dynamic slowly being reestablished again. I enjoyed the MOTW aspects even though it ended up being fairly standard telekinetic

Your friend is lying to you, she's probably part of a massive government conspiracy to abduct AV Clubbers and harvest their brains to create the ultimate sarcastic, detached hipster douchebag. RUN

South Asian dude here. Homosexuality is still by and large a huge taboo in our culture. Regardless of whether it's 2016 or not, the majority of South Asian people, the older generation especially, don't look too kindly on it, and being a culture where having social "prestige" and "acceptance" is very widely valued,

These will probably be really, really unpopular choices:

Get outta here, Sally is one of the few teen/youth characters I can stand in contemporary TV. Kiernan Shipka is amazing, she did a great job playing exactly how damaged and messed up someone like Don Draper's child would become

Fantasy sports are actually one of the nerdiest hobbies around, and FAR from being "jock-centric"

I'm usually pretty indifferent when it comes to this gender/sex politics stuff in Hollywood, but wow, this is totally fucked up, seeing as how Anderson was just as much of a vital part of the show that Duchovny was - even more so in the later seasons when he was mentally checked out. She is arguably the better actor

The worst thing about this movie is that it wants to make us believe that a guy who looks like Zac Efron and has his body would ever be uptight and button-down. Shit, I'm a homebody but if I was Zac Efron I would be fucking my way through every country on every continent 24/7, 7 days a week, 365 days a year until my

This looks batshit insane, and I'm actually really looking forward to watching it now. Between the new NSFW Deadpool trailer and this, irreverent, 4th-wall breaking superhero entertainment is looking like it could end up being pretty damn fun

Agreed, and i think the theatricality of it suited the character perfectly. Bane was all about making a statement and being an icon, and Hardy's performance encapsulated that completely

I don't know about that, it seemed like he was a bit of a fan-favourite. Most people I speak to about Inception like his character more than Leo's.

I guess this crappy clickbait article worked because here I am

Started reading Neal Stephenson's Cryptonomicon, about one-third of the way through. Pretty great so far.

This came out like 2 weeks ago. WTF AV CLUB, COME ON BRUH