
Except James Cameron is arguably one of the greatest action directors of all time.

Yeah he pretty much fell off the face of the Earth after The Grey, which I loved. Wouldn't mind seeing more from him if he can bring that movie's combination of visceral action and genuine thoughtfulness

I'm building a gaming PC after a year of hemming and hawinf. Pretty excited, my build is based around the i5 4690 and R9 390. Looking forward to wasting my money on Steam sales :)

Yeah I always found it quite amusing and charming

It actually is even better than it looked.

Disagree with the review. This movie was fucking awesome, closely following Mad Max as the best of 2015 for me. Absolutely loved it and was compelled for every second of its 2 hours and 36 minutes. The cinematography was unbelievable, just breathtaking. Leo and Hardy were fantastic, and the action set pieces (the

Disagree with the review. This movie was fucking awesome, closely following Mad Max as the best of 2015 for me. Absolutely loved it and was compelled for every second of its 2 hours and 36 minutes. The cinematography was unbelievable, just breathtaking. Leo and Hardy were fantastic, and the action set pieces (the

With the exception of Scott Eastwood these guys all look like wimpy fuckboys. Han Solo needs to be RUGGED dammit.

Sorry, he's too street

Rami is an amazing actor. But as Han Solo? Hell nawwwww.

I don't believe this. I came into work this morning and the lobby TV had a news piece saying "Remembering David Bowie". Thought it was some kind of retrospective due to the release of Blackstar. Then my buddy msgd me saying David Bowie had passed away. Checked on phone and that was that…


I think he's busy leading the Oklahoma City Thunder to the playoffs

Yeah homeboy looks like the type of guy to rock a snapback, post "motivational" pictures on social media and quote Drake lyrics to girls

Of all the fantasy novel series they could have adapted, they went with what is probably the most trite and cliched one? Who was actually asking for a Shannara TV series? If they really wanted to cash in on Game of Thrones' success, they could have at least gone with series that are closer in tone like Joe

Most of this stuff is irrelevant bullshit compared to the real outrage of 2015: the Paris massacre. I'm shocked that the AV Club wouldn't include this here when they covered it extensively as it was happening.

The church fight scene in Kingsman. My jaw was on the floor for the entire 4-5 minutes it was going on.

It's disheartening to read about how much they changed from the book, which was so visceral and intense that it felt like a fiction thriller in and of itself


Parachutes was great, and A Rush of Blood to the Head was a straight up masterpiece in my opinion. Everything they've released since then has been hit and miss. X&Y was a huge, epic wall of bland nothing. I liked most of Viva la Vida because it genuinely seemed like they were going in a more different, slightly