
Hmm. I’m beginning to wonder if this great moral arbiter of a head coach, doesn’t give a damn how many abusive/questionable people he fills his coaching staff/roster with, as long as they help him win. There’s really only 2 options to choose from when it comes to Urban Meyer; either these people were obviously fucked

Well at least it wasn’t when good person and upstanding citizen Urb...

You seem fun. “Fuck goals. Fuck scoring! The game needs to be pure blah blah blah”.

Or maybe a shitty sport with already minimal scoring should enact rules that encourage MORE goals? Cuz man I really love soccer, but it would be so much cooler if they brought the average goals per game from 1.7 down to 1.3. Yea, that’ll get the people to watch. Less scoring 

I understand the sentiment - the spirit of Offside rules are to prevent an unfair advantage from being gained, and on plays like this no significant advantage has been gained. Judging from the size of her feet, she was maybe 8 inches or so offside, with a defender moving back and the player standing still. The call is

Memo to the three idiot appellate judges: when a victim “freezes” during an assault, it’s part of the “fight or flight” mechanism. In fact, it’s no longer called“fight or flight” but “fight-flight-freeze.” Fight and flight is something everyone is familiar with, but when a victim freezes, it’s because their brain is

My favorite part about this story, is that the guy who spends most of his free time trying to bang other people’s wives/girlfriends while he himself is also married (I’m talking about Lebron), is the “superior moral authority” for something that doesn’t even involve him 

Wow. Who would have thought that Madonna is still an out of touch narcissist after all these years?

Maybe it is bigotry. As someone who doesn’t really know what to’s where my mind goes.

Well considering, “Eskimo”, was a generalized term used to describe all natives in the Canadian area, I think you are just looking to get mad and excercise power. The only tribe some people might recognize is Inuit. She didn’t say “all these Inuits are just Eskimos”. Eskimo is not a racist term when it’s used to descri

I’m Irish-Caucasian. Anyone who calls me “white” will get popped in the mouth. Respect my heritage. 

So I hope since you on here decrying the usage of the name... I hope you are vocal as well about changing the names of the many companies that use the word Eskimo... Including the companies owned and operated by Tribes....

At first I was like holy shit, this noname comedian can afford 30k a month for rent? And then I found out her husband owns an architecture firm, and I don’t feel that bad. But I still kinda feel bad 

I think Boston just wants to live in its own little bubble and not be bothered by morally legitimate questions.

It’s funny how even the mansions in the midwest still have a little bit of poor and stupid built into them. 

Fuck the Laroche’s and their entitlement. Other people exist in this world besides your undereducated son. Man I hope that kid ends up sucking at baseball. He deserves success as much as random coworkers deserve to babysit a child for 40 hours a week

Wow thank you for the Drake Laroche reference. That story still makes me mad. What kind of asshole imposes his young teenage son on all of his coworkers for 40+ hours a week... and then got butthurt and retired because he couldn’t get his way. Fuck that guy. A lot more people exist in this world than your coddled

Also came here to make a Drake LaRoche joke, though technically he wasn’t w/ the team for the 2016 season as Adam retired during spring training.

But further interrogation would require willingly researching and discussing the 2016 White Sox, and I don’t want to inflict that on you, or on myself.