
How about that stroll of 2B's from the flooded coast to the shopping center? O-M-Fucking-GEEEEEEEEEEEE. Side note: go back to the area where that stroll started with 9S and look along the right-hand (or inland shore, the one to the right when entering the sunlit area with enemies) shore for something to

Anti-Chain Damage means that if you get hit any hits for the next ___seconds do not cause damage. I currently have 1.5-2.5 seconds (depending on chip setup). You can see how it works by equipping and then letting one of the small stubby machines hit you with their wind up punch attack. Without Anti-Chain, they will

I believe Taro stated on the twitters that H is Healer. I’d assume D is Defender. I also know C is Canceller.

Overclock lets you continue to move at regular speed, and your attacks seem to be more powerful. My Overclock +4 slows time for 3 seconds; combine that with an Evade Range Up chip, and you can easily wipe out one of those forest mobs without taking a hit, standing in the middle of them. Also, a set-up like this makes

There's a trophy attached to this, actually. Ha.

Vagrant Story….glad I still have my PS1 copy, even if I have nothing to play it on.

I think the blindfolds are actually goggles, and that the androids can see through them. This is what I have read.

Correct; side quests (in most instances) do reset if not finished before a route is completed, but stay done once done.

Yes, they are routes and chapters, to be honest.

The first time you go underground in the desert was such a fun moment, along with the castle.

The 'Amnesia' quest really hits hard as well at a certain point.

Route C is when Taro drops the mic at the beginning and throws you such a loop. I loved it.

I'd love to see him take on Vagrant Story.

I hope you get to play it eventually. It's a masterpiece.

Finished C and D last night, and working on other items before I go for E. Enjoy the mic drop moment at the beginning of C. Enjoy one of the most frustratingly tragic scenes I've seen in awhile. And enjoy the Taro-ness of the endings.

That's the one. What a frustratingly fun fight.

NieR and Lightning Returns are two of my favorites, especially when OSTs are brought into the mix. The way both of them invoke music from past games (or game, in NieR's case) is really a treat.

The one that plays whenever you complete a quest is Pascal's village always gets me. I think this might be the same track you are talking about , although the main village theme also has voices. I also really like how there's vocal and non-vocal versions of just about every song, and they are used in almost a dynamic

I think it might be, but it's certainly up to one's preference. I enjoy how it uses the original's OST in very creative ways with the new stuff.

As I've already been gushing on other posts about NieR: Automata, I thought it only fitting that I post stating it will be my game this weekend. I'm currently in the beginning sections of the third time through the game, and what a ride it's been. Some may be put off on the idea that they have to play 'through' the