
Kreskin: "Magician"

Like his tie, Sammy's Hall of Fame push came up just a little short.

I tell you, they might never let Sammy into the Hall of Fame, but he's getting closer and closer to being allowed into a country club.

'The thing just decides to go completely sideways at the last moment.'

At first I just recommended this one, as that's pretty much the extent of direct praise we are allowed as members of the Gawker Inc. rank and file. I had to come back to comment. Bad ass stuff. You should be lofted above us greys and thrown out of the proverbial crab bucket. So a seagull can eat you.

St. Jetersburg - A Tale of Rounding the Bases

Mario Batali always has his feet wrapped in newspaper just in case the Iron Chef special ingredient happens to be 'your own feet'.

Actually, that's not what he said.

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Benoit... Balls' 14th Best Song of 2013: Action Bronson - Strictly 4 My Jeeps

Mike Shanahan Topically Improves RG3 Jersey

From Babe Ruth to Baby Ruth in less than an hour.

The call on that pitch: "2 balls... and a foul tip"

He definitely took the Heisman by force.

Jordan Lynch just shit all over New York pizza

Guy Forgets He's Allowed To Use Hands, Takes Soccer Ball To The Face

It looks to me like the guy on lemon coat's right kicks the ball into him.


Despite Pau's past successes, from the looks of it, D'Antoni is quite adept at dealing with pains in the ass.

His name might as well just be Pau ol.

As far as I can compare it to anything, it's like taking power steering out of your car, or trying to fly the space shuttle without autopilot.