This fell through the cracks way back when.
This fell through the cracks way back when.
I want to talk about the poor 152 that got dismantled for no reason. Is there any indication that a qualified A&P mechanic performed the disassembly?
Wing removal most likely qualifies as major maintenance (I pulled the manual and wasn’t able to find anything immediately, but I can hardly imagine that its considered…
You know, I hear a lot of bitching about cost. I’ll be the first to admit that its over budget, but it isn’t to the extent of what many folks would have you believe. Here’s an anecdote: With a cursory Google search, I found this really great article from 2012 about how F-22's OBOGS was becoming contaminated, thereby…
When I did that interview for Tyler last year, someone from Zee.Aero (I’m assuming) referred me to send over a resume. Thought it was interesting. Never heard back.
This. When I was stationed in Japan, I likened Skylines to Cavaliers in terms of how common they are.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned since I stepped into the public eye as a Veteran, it is that you shouldn’t.
I’m not convinced that the stealth penalty is going to be a huge deal most of the time. Load ‘er on up.
Why do you say that?
Wow, you said it so much better than I did.
I’m not saying I agree with all of our decisions, and I don’t think all Islamic people are terrorists. My experience, however, dictates that a great many are uneducated.
Today, you are hated throughout the world. If you don’t know this, you should. The peoples burn your flag. The Islamic peoples all over the world chant: “Death to America!”- Iranian Leader Ali Khamenei, 2009
Hey Ali, glad to see you’ve joined the discussion.
I’m not the least bit surprised that our Sailors and hardware are coming home. Anything else sets one hell of a dangerous precendent for Iran.
Really, I wish I had some photos to show you where I could compare and contrast the Hornet and the JSF. Alas, I do not.
I did an interview with Tyler a couple of months ago. May be worth reading for you.
Paid shills, 100% of them.
Well, I can’t speak to whatever might be going on with the A, but I would probably concur if you told me that the non-STOVL variants took a back seat to the B. We were under a great deal of pressure to take the B off of probation during my tenure, and so we were laser-focused on that task.
I’d love to hand you the reins to the program for a day.
I don’t think so. Tyler really went out of his way to make sure that my voice was heard. I believe that he may have a negative bias, but I commend the journalistic integrity that was on display when he was fully ready and willing to let a proponent speak at such length.