
Can't wait to hear Colin Cowherd rant for 20 minutes on his next radio show about how idiotic all the Baylor fans are for storming the field.

I bet Dan Snyder's lawyers will somehow try to use that photo to bolster their anti-Semitic claims in the Dave McKenna case.

All I know is, I about died laughing when they revealed his full name to be "Jack Sock."

Nah but it does mean I get to go see The Sword on September 22.

I like how his last name in that movie alternates between "Hawk" and "Hawks."

Here's an example of what not to do: watch the first "Lord of the Rings" movie in a crowded theatre. Trust me on this.

I did not see Phintastic's post below when I wrote this comment. I now feel like a complete asshole. However, I will still be getting drunk as fuck.

Getting a new job with better hours, pay & benefits DUAN.

"Wayyyyyyy ahead of you."

"Don't feel bad. All I got for my impossible shot was a lead slug in the gut."

That mascot looks like Raggedy Andy's meth head brother, Earl.

I bet that's how Billy Cole got his start too.

The SLAPP law actually came about as a result of the famous

"It can turn into an incredible explosive," Phillips said. "Even if it didn't explode, if one of the kids drank it, thinking it was a soda bottle, who knows what could happen?"

Good to see Sweet Dee's serial killer neighbor Gary getting some work.

Plus for every one storage unit with anything of any value, they probably piss their money away on 50 or 60 that are worthless.

Yeah the kind of charmer who has young, plus-sized girls help him load a couch into a cargo van.

Now playing

Yea pretty much everything by Wolves in the Throne Room is the most brutal shit ever.