Really? Pedophilia isn't considered a preexisting condition? Someone dropped the ball on that one.
Its no big deal, she's just headed over to Kenny Powers' place later for some sex.
One of my favs
I hated this free agency trek. Hated hated hated hated hated this free agency trek. Hated every simpering stupid vacant audience-insulting moment of it. Hated the sensibility that thought anyone would like it. Hated the implied insult to the audience by its belief that anyone would be entertained by it.
Most importantly, it will still resemble a ginormous potato chip or wicker chair, depending on your view.
If you need any sort of illicit substances, hit up the parking valets.
He probably just felt one-upped by the guy who kept yelling THAT'S GOTTA HURT every time someone made a hard tackle during the game.
He also let it slip that his favorite track is Madonna's "Lucky Star."
'Bout fucking time someone built a Doc Ellis Memorial Statue.
Louis Saha doesn't pay hookers for sex. He pays them to pretend they give a shit about soccer.
"Arvind"? Pretty sure there was a typo on that guy's birth certificate too.
A hundred says he eats it.
No excuses necessary.
Favorite Songs of 2011 DUAN.
Eh, he was probably just pissed that Dana White wanted him to wear a bunch of extra flair.
Well it is Wikipedia. I could edit the article to say people have tried to use road flares and a javelin to open shit.
There's actually a name for that: Wrap Rage
Hey, if he goes to school on a Saturday, he's the one who should feel silly.
Congratulations, Tulsa. You're as dumb as the New York Jets. Just let that sink in for a while.