
Thanks! She is the coolest lady on the planet, glad she chose me!

Yep, that's a bingo. I worked in the college bookstore many moons ago and that's how I met my current wife. She saw me at a party and yelled "Bookstore dude!" and called me that every time she saw me around campus. We stayed friends for years then started dating and got married.

Thank you for being a voice of reason in an otherwise unreasonable world.

I was being funny in my earlier comment, but every woman I've had a relationship with was because she came up and spoke to me first. I'm FAR too shy to strike up a convo with a random woman at a bar or whatever, much less use some lame-ass pick-up routine.

Here's my unsolicited advise for meeting women:
Be handsome.
Dress nicely.
Say things that are funny loud enough for the women to hear you.
Be quiet and wait for someone to speak to you because you're super shy and afraid of rejection and ohmygodhereshecomeswhatdoisaybecool

Yeah, wasn't seeing the forest for the trees.

A couple of things
1. I was hoping Mystery was gone after Scott Weiland died as I was pretty sure Mystery was his alter ego. Sad to see I was wrong
2. People buy books about picking up women from a guy who dresses like a flamboyant Neo from the Matrix?
3. See 2. Still not sure why people listen to this guy's advice on

Personality goes a long way

I honestly don't understand the ketchup on a hot dog backlash. Tastes so good. Ketchup, chili, onions…mmmmmm

Is a hot dog a sandwich?

Take it from a nut: Utz are better than nuts!

Look, I'm as big a ketchup apologist as you're likely to find. I'm the sort of monster who puts ketchup on his hot dog and not mustard. But even this is a bridge too far

I'm making my world famous pulled venison barbecue tonight. mmmm mmmm

wrong website, sir. i know they're both Univision now, but still.

No comment section available for the Cocktail Club? C'mon, we live for booze!

Checkers/Rally's fries are the gold standard of fast food french fried potatoes.

MMM…that's good battery!

It's Fast Food week here at the AV Club

Seconded. I was introduced to it in college. My Ethics professor showed the first scene on the first day of class. Really set the stage.

Bars need to pour the leftovers of any drink into a barrel like the All-Sorts keg from Gangs of New York