
@tundraboy: Oh, it's probably over 6 million. I'd be very surprised if it was only 6 million.

@Modano: Actually, we agree: there is nothing to compare it to. And absolute shipment numbers don't mean anything by themself. If Coca-Cola shipped only 3 million bottle in four months, that wouldn't sound like much of a success.

@Modano: I adressed this in the other replies: my analysis isn't fair, but it doesn't try to be. My point is that as you mention, you need to compare marketshare to something. And in the case of the iPad, there isn't anything to compare it to; the usual model don't take into account products that almost everyone knew

@Faceless.Troll: But... But... Don't judges automatically give a lifetime sentence to the accused if the defense attorney ask 3 irrelevant questions over the course of a day?

@tundraboy: I'm not arguing my analysis is fair, I'm arguing that controlling the context in which you frame numbers (or whether there is a context at all) allows you to say anything about everything.

Star Wars: The Old Republic could potentially reach that, although successful MMOs tend to build up sales / subscribers slowly.

@wonderkrisp: Of course, but I don't do this for a living, so I'm being lazy.

I've said this somewhere else, but I guess I'll have to repeat myself. I'm just surprised Ballmer got taken in by the Reality Distortion Field as well.

@MazdaMania: No; netbooks are dead! All of these netbook sales are sales of a dead product, and therefore don't count. On a related note, the emperor has new clothes and they look fabulous.

I thought it was Ubisoft's "Imagine: Space Marinez"

@ZINO: I'm sorry, but who decided the iPad was a success?

@Joshua L Lewis: Yeah, nothing manlier than a bright pink Miata.

Sorry if it's been mentioned, but there's no way in which Symbian's multitasking is inherently more limited than Android. This article is extrapolating WAAAAY too much from a single sentence.

@Gary_7vn: It's like an electric kick scooter, except you look even lamer.

@Kamatari +: But in biblical times, sex was (supposedly) to be only for reproductive reasons. Teens under 18 are considered not old enough to make a rational decision as to whether or not they can start raising a family, and if they're not have sex to make children, then they shouldn't be having sex at all.

@RunningWildVidya: Ahh, I seem to recall a few chubby girls. However, they are never main characters, and almost always played for comedy effect.

@jayntampa: Because of the lead picture. Most passerbys who glimpse what's on your screen as they walk by are likely to misunderstand what you're reading. While games are getting more and more mainstream, manga/anime are still very much misunderstood and in many people's opinion, are not the kind of stuff grown,