
Your contacts are tied to your Live ID. On your computer, open your Live/Hotmail account. Go into your Contacts (it should be there if you hover your mouse over the Hotmail link at the top), then Manage/Export. Solve the captcha and you should be able to get a CSV of your contacts. You'll just need to import that into

The problem, the big one, is that this is more expensive than an iPod Touch.

@gurfinki: Although not in theory, in practice, Gameloft is Ubisoft's mobile division. The blatant similarities in the logo are probably intentional.

Do we have any idea of the pricing on the games?

@MartiniMan: And they'd be bragging about thing they shouldn't brag about:

@vitorgatti: My guess is that there are less good games available for linux, so we linux users are more thankful for what we do get.

@Sarcasmancer: No, there are not a million of sequels to Dune, there are 5.

@SynthOno: Oh boy, I'm sure Bin Laden is really scared of what the CIA'll do to him once they REALLY get to want to get rid of him!

@FTH: It also has a good J2ME version for the vast majority of recent handsets, smartphone or not.

While it could be argued it's not a game per se, what Your Shape: Fitness Evolved does is pretty much magical and revolutionary. In my opinion, it's been the single most impressive tech demo of Kinect.

@tacotime: Would be even pricelesser (?) if you did that with a permanent marker housing.

@SixTwoSixFour: Ok, but Desmond has his hidden blades, and if pushed with his back to wall, and if he's idealistic enough, he can threaten suicide. Abstergo's plan of going in with blunt weapons makes sense in that case, as it gives them (somewhat of) a chance of getting back Desmond intact without risking him

Awesome! So for the third straight year, I will be contributing to making these people's life a little more miserable (and a sick child's life a little more bearable)! Who's with me?

@Izkata: Because mobile pages load faster, take less data, and present the essential info at the forefront instead of wasting space on banners and useless graphics.

@BrianAcheron: I don't know, I haven't finished my first game I started in 2000. Waiting for a mini-game to load, now.

I really enjoy the new emphasis they put on non-combat skills. Speech's my character's main skill, and while you do need to have weapon skills (pretty hard to convince a radscorpion), it is viable (at this point at least, I'm about at level 12 now) to keep those secondary.

@capeo: Yup. Ammo weight doesn't really make much of a difference to me either. Well, maybe it does for players with rocket launchers and the such, but I could carry as many bullets as I wanted so far.

@Yeah!: You missed mentioning that it also lacks Copy-Paste. Not that I blame you, it's hard to keep track of everything that's missing from it.

@pressstart: They've all got Kins now. It's all the rage!