
@FatCatLim: Key Studio's influence on tissues sales cannot be understated as well. They also really make a good case to show how versatile tissues can be!

So basically, it's the most badass way to light a cigar, ever?

@buttnugget: A real haymaker was the brutal, vicious attack from Samsung, offering Galaxy S phones to people complaining of iPhone 4 reception issues on Twitter.

@cell10: The main thing that tells me it is a dream is simple: you never see them arriving anywhere. All the scenes start with the characters already somewhere, with no transition. Not being able to remember how you got somewhere is established in the movie (in the hotel's bar) as the method by which one can

This sums up very well my own thoughts about the movie.

@Gh0stKiller: It is actually simple, true. BUT it's not explained simply. That's the point of the article. You HAVE to be on the same wavelength as Nolan in order to really get everything he meant. Personally, I did. As a videogamer and someone working in IT, I thrive on rules, logic, systems. I pretty much breeze

As an FYI to any hot Russian sleeper agents in Canada: I often leave important defense documents on my bedside table. I also tend to fall asleep immediately after sex.

@SynthOno: The DS and 3DS won't necessarily lose something if tablets and 3D screens really become as popular as tech bloggers seem to believe.

@SynthOno: Game consoles are pretty much made irrelevant by emulators (legal and otherwise), plus are depending on video format support. I'm fairly certain TVs in 15-20 years are not going to have composite input anymore, so the consoles of the 90ies will be out. I'm doubtful they'll have coax, so the consoles of the

@GitEmSteveDave'sTopHatX: Oh yeah, my straight is certainly going to be my (theoretical) son's or son-in-law's after my death!

@Dr. Evil Genius: Guns of Summer: If you don't already know about them, I suggest you check out Studio Ghibli's movies. When they do use CG, it usually very low key. Disney has the North American publishing rights for them.

I agree with the scale. IMHO, the best and more extreme examples of the three models would be:

HANDSETS! That's it! Brian, you just solved the WP7 naming dilemma!

Guitars, basses, amps and effects, particularly high profile brands (Fender, Martin, Gibson, Marshall, Ampeg, EHX) tend to appreciate as well. Their value takes an immediate drop when it goes from "new" to "used", remains stable for between 5-20 years, then slowly start appreciating (regardless of actual quality,

So they will be guaranteed a better performance than the Kin from day one!

@the-hq: No; iPhone is the name of an actual phone, making repeating the word phone redundant. Windows Phone 7 is an OS that runs on phones, so as stupid as saying "Windows Phone 7 phone" sounds, it's technically correct, as it could technically be running on something else than a phone (although it would still sound

I can imagine he would have some objections to being assigned to Delta Squad.

Weird; their points are accurate, but the spin on it is just so weird.

@Guizzy: Although, I just rethought about it. I would have preferred that they let it up to the player. At one point in the game, you have the opportunity to go out of your way to save him.