
I vote for the whole game being about rescuing him behind enemy lines. With Tom Hanks.

@Sugoi: Only one thing is: Being generic AND wearing a red shirt.

@Pony Stark: The reason it didn't register as sarcasm for everyone is because most of the comment was reasonable. When most people do sarcasm, they tend to go all the way and make the whole thing ridiculous.

@Slinkytech: Well, some studies are showing in moderation, red wine could help fend off cardiovascular disease. But it's true that it's probably not due to the alchool content of wine.

@AmishJohn: Meh.: In the article: "The idea behind Ultraviolet is that when I buy a movie, I also get a token that ..."

@mikelb: The fad I hate is non-game apps. I'm puzzled as to how you misunderstood my sentence...

@TheWormInYourApple: I agree with your general point, but I think the 90% about return on investment also includes the time spent on development as the "investment", not just the upfront cost, so in all fairness they probably have quite a lot more to recover than 100$.

I could understand omitting the Ovi Store if this was only about the US market, but the marketshare represented clearly is the global one.

@WonderingIsAll: Fully free roaming sharks is the scariest thing I've heard in a long while.

@Dancing Milkcarton: Not really, but keep thinking that if it makes you feel better.

@Guizzy: And to the "getting away from its core products" being a mistake point you make, I'd say that while this applies to a lot of industries, the rules are slightly different for businesses with such efficient horizontal expansion as those we're talking about.

@badasscat: Microsoft is being dragged down by everything other than Windows and Office because they reacted when it was too late. By the time they made the Zune, the iPod was already dominating. When they made the original Xbox, Sony had a stranglehold on the home console market (in mindshare, at least). By the time

@syncrety: Awesome; just like the real thing!

Of course, they're not giving up on Symbian. Any reasonable company wouldn't give up on a platform that still holds the largest marketshare just because tech journalists and bloggers in one region have a preference for other platforms!

@badasscat: A company like Google has to have a hand in everything because it allows them to compete against a competitor before they are blindsided by one using leverage from an industry they're not in.

@fate47 - meh.: The website mentions 12 hours of direct sunlight to fully charge the battery (and that's enough to charge an iPhone 4 times). 8 hours charging it through USB.

@TetraGenesis: And that's why I love gawker-related comments sections; I love a good laugh!

Oh, hey, a positive news post on something Nokia related (even though a little bit snarky).