
@sam4sb: You are talking about power users, not me.

@Hami83: Nah, allowing patents on DNA is even stupider.

@Lord_Data: Nope, it's more like "Welcome to 200x Symbian Flashlight party iOS4! You're even later at this party than at the Video Call party we had going on 4-5 years ago."

@sam4sb: Yes, they're going to be faster, better, and they're going to reach a tiny minority of users.

@superhappyfuntime: It's less likely to get an email written in blue Comic Sans because it's less likely to get emails period.

Aaaaand Google is Doing It Right(tm) once again.

Pretty much the same speed reading on my ereader and books for me. Slightly slower on backlit devices (LCDs, the AMOLED display on my phone)

The thing I hate most is non-professional emails threads that are needlessly converted to HTML to accomodate some shmuck's signature.

@leighzbohns: True. Email is as secure as speaking aloud in a crowded public place. It's unlikely that someone with malignant will actually be able to pick out your conversation from the noise, but anyone around can hear you.

I think Kotaku should do a review on Monster Hunter Tri. It really is a great game that needs as much publicity it can get.

@smartazjb0y: It's not exactly a measure of how popular a game is. More a measure of how much it's like electronic crack, in which case, Harvest Moon, Animal Crossing and especially Monster Hunter are king!

@Bcoolbyte: How ironic would it be if a moderator actually disemvoweled his post for attempting this little stunt?

Portability was a main concern when I bought my Pocket Edition (PRS-300), so I'm perfectly fine with it (and it was the cheapest when I bought it).

@MaxellDVD1: I used to do tech support for a brand of (crappy) computers that were sold through EasyHome.

What would really help push Kindle even further ahead of the competitors is a J2ME application for mobile phones.

That many?

@bornonbord: He had his eyes half-open while you were snapping the pic.

Most of em are in a way or another, but number 8 is so terribly condescending, it deserves to be mentioned separately. Wow; "as if it were normal". Like what, those subjects should not be discussed normally?

@Mark 2000: The reason CRTs are no longer popular has nothing to do with their picture quality. It has more to do with having to rent a forklift if you wanted to get a 24" one.

@LostChild: You got it all right. You hated the same things as I did in this nontheless wonderful game. Except I hated Otis. Did you?