
@seriously, saycarramrod: Yes, actually, I've dropped phones before, with no screen protector nor case. I've dropped my (then) expensive N95 while hiking; about 4 feet down, then it tumbled on rocks and dirt for about 40 feet down a hill.

If you think this is good revenue, I urge you to read this breakdown of what it actually means:

Here, in Montreal, we have this kinda retarded habit of having everyone move on the same day: July 1st.

@Hearthatvoiceagain: Yes, I was attempting a tongue-in-cheek response to your tongue-in-cheek comment. It seems we have both spectacularly missed our cheeks by a foot or so.

Is there a service that will take a link from an email, SMS and/or MMS, fetch the text of the article and send it back (as email or MMS)?

@Hearthatvoiceagain: You're operating from the flawed assumption that logic and safety have anything to do with airport security.

@lauwersp: The biggest area of growth for RIM is not the enterprise anymore.

@That_was_totally_Batman: Because as a communication tool, its utility is directly linked to who you can reach with it.

@lauwersp: And guess which is the most popular and successful between the iPhone and the Blackberry.

@8oardR1der: It's not, but saying this is a 100$ phone is an outright lie.

@technosophe: No, because the problems with video chat has nothing to do with how widespread the hardware is; the capability is on most mid-end to high-end phones outside of North America. It has to do with how much effort it is to use.

@thecrimsonalchemist2: I think the quote from Stephen King at the very start of the game is foreshadowing a lack of thorough explanation for what is happening.

Adding Elite II Frontier (and Frontier: First Encounters) to that would make an interesting comparison.

@Archaotic: To further expand on this point:

@tetracycloide: Tell that to the tens of MMOs that are basically printing money!

Dudes could hang with Marcus Fenix now.

@Ichidou: @Bugoongu: You two should think about starting a comedy duo.

@Adhominem: I'd attribute this to the "Peter Principle". Basically, it's caused by it being much easier to promote someone than to demote him. Competent people rise through the ranks until they get given a job (usually management) where they are incompetent (but not incompetent enough to get fired). Then they stay