
@Kryptolojik: If I were to guess, I'd say it's rather because we're used to think of a warm seat as a "recently used by someone else" seat. And we would just rather prefer to think that a toilet has never been used by anyone else, at least not recently.

@MattyMattMatt: Not only that, but they're relatively easy to copy.

@SpinachPuffs: "Do your children have a Xbox? Serial rapists could be having sex with your children RIGHT NOW on Xbox Live!"

@Buscape: Yo mama disagrees with that comment.

Would comment on Animal Parade being in this, but I'm too busy tending my farm. Those corns are not going to grow themselves!

@Rebochan: As are all main series Harvest Moon games since the first Harvest Moon to have a mine to explore.

@Dark_Mirage: They've got to be careful with how much they improve the graphics; it would be quite silly if the thing looks better than the Wii does!

@HowardC: Ugh; welcome to a very slippery slope!

I couldn't restrain myself, I broke the XKCD one ;)

@R0YB0T: Well, while most gamers and reviewers were disappointed in the first one, it did come out of the gates at Ubisoft, so some people must have thought it was a good game.

@okidokedork: Yeah, but unless you really only use this username for gawker, I'm fairly sure someone could corelate your name and your username with fairly light detective work.

@SippyCupBoozer: Well, if japanese men aren't furiously impregnating their wives enough, then I guesss I'll just have to get there and do it myself!

@okidokedork: Only your wife knows you've seen it. Well, her and everyone that can access comments on Gizmodo. Or Google your name and find this comment you just made.

Other Symbian users might be interested in hearing that the absolutely wonderful Twitter/Facebook/Google Reader client Gravity supports sending links to Instapaper.

@chewblaha: I respectfully disagree with you here, I think the comic has improved a lot these last few years. They've refined, nay, distilled their winning formula into something a little more pure and consistent: Jerry's witty writing wasn't lost, it was simply moved to the news post. Jokes that are funnier seen than

@Ash Paulsen: Don't ever look up Derek Smart. An industrial vacuum won't be able to clean up the vomit fast enough.

Ticket to Ride is my vote. Relatively easy to understand, it's not the kind of game where an adult will automatically dominate a kid.

@Sandburgh: So what DID he send to Roger, then?

@Frosted Mini-Wheats: Deus Ex is the game that got the style of "The Matrix" right. Badass trenchcoats in the night (it's always night in Deus Ex), massive conspiracies, grey morality.