
Ok, so main game? Make it like the first one; with lots of survivors, time-limit and constant distractions, as well as progressively unlocked map.

@Antiterra: Aw man, this is exactly what I hate most about Sony as a company. All the information about every single thing they sell is filled to the brim with marketing buzzwords, making it impossible to actually compare REAL features with their competitors.

Come on, now, Asus! I love my Eee 901, but you need to stop calling everything you make Eee, especially when it's not a netbook or particuliarly related to one. It cheapens the brand...

@Paul C: You think Chuck wants his revenge for "Way of the Dragon"?

Nah nah nah; you guys can still wait! We need the Zune Marketplace and Zune Pass in Canada!

The problem is, the Genesis is not like the NES was. Most NES have broken down by now, so re-releasing those games make sense.

And for those of us that care, Metal Gear Solid Mobile was released about a week ago for the N-Gage service. It's real nice on my N95-8G.

@TheSpiller: So you've got to drink FASTER, I guess?

Animal Boxing?

For a moment there, my heart skipped. I thought Michael Ironside had been shot!

@Nimsim: You read it right. He wrote it wrong.

@Adam In Texas: The problem is that this creates dangerous precedents by encroaching on fair use rights.

@fourty9er: True dat. Few other games on XBL will have people running back to save you, then heal you with the first aid kit they had been saving up for 20 minutes.

@TalKeaton: True, but Best Buy (or at least, the ones here) do not sell used games. And video clubs do sell mostly used movies. And quite frankly, I don't know where the nearest new bookstore is, but I have a used bookstore right next to my home. Refrigerators? In nice suburbs perhaps, but here in the city, where

Games I have still to finish

Didn't have time to try Keflings, but from that screenshot it looks like Settlers (NOT Settlers of Catan). Amirite? If so, is it a good Settlers clone?

I would have expected Microsoft to have *some* experience with mass update deployment, with Windows patch tuesdays and all that...

@Anotherfluke: Would be a *tad* too ironic to have that one in a MTV published game! That DK is there at all is pretty surprising!