
The reason the load times weren't improved in Mass Effect is pretty simple; the actual load times were pretty good to begin with. It's the elevator start-up / slow-down animations that made them feel much longer than they actually are. All load times that didn't involve elevators were very very short for the type of

@ffmusicdj: Well, considering who just got reelected here in Canada, and who just got elected in the States, it's certainly a tempting proposition!

@dkrefft: Because Konami was trying to stop reviewers from talking about negative aspects of their game; load times, install times, cutscene length.

@dowingba: Now, that might be stretching the limits of the average american's geographical knowledge...

@amost: Well, there are 6 communes called Montreal in France, one municipality called Montreal in Spain, the commune of Montreal in the Missouri and the city of Montreal in the Wisconsin.


——- "There's some great stuff to play on the PlayStation Network" - notable as only one retailer mentioned downloadable games ——-

A Kirby event?

@Seventh: Well, they might not have a video right now, but I suppose with nine hundred millions, he'd probably be able to fund the production of a convincing one.

@mrsmiter: Well, that can be pretty easily done, actually. With some solder, parts from a handshake buzzer, a watch battery and a brave enough mouse (not that I think those poor mouse chosen to become Pikachus had much choice in the matter).

Number 2 and 3 don't seem very compatible.

@karateka: They sculpted the circuits directly on a slab of rock.

Argh, a "rape my wallet" week.

This game is a better Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom, quite simply.

A brighter LCD?

At that range, if all you have is the plasma rifle, you melee, for gods' sake!

I'm so very excited. I'll finally be able to play this game in multiplayer, which is apparently where it shined (but for those of us who were kids back when it came out, online/network multiplayer was nowhere near as easy to get into).

@Ashurahori: That's what most ladies tell me, but somehow it's always okay in the end.