
Some. It's missing both Year of the Dragon story extending DLC as well as the Zodiac Tournament story driven DLC.

Ha! My fiancee is the same way. I really tried to sell her on a good hatchback or sedan, but even when she LOVED test driving the Kia Optima, she maintained she could never sit that low. We ended up with a Soul ! wagon...

The "complete" in Sleeping Dogs is a touch misleading... It's missing two of the story driven DLC. Still a great deal, but don't get it thinking there isn't more DLC to buy!

Origins also has a decent sale on the Sims 3 series this weekend, if you've somehow missed it these past four years and/or want to get it for a sibling/significant other, etc.

Ha, those should all be Mbps. God, I wish such a thing existed.

802.11ac routers are absolutely amazing. I switched from a wireless G one earlier this year and went from being barely able to stream 720p in the bedroom to full 1080p with no issues at all. SpeedTest had me at 18 Gbps (off a 20 Gbps connection) a full 30 feet away. It's still no gigabit, but it blows the doors off

Mad Men tie ins? Old people getting their dream car before they die?

Later in the game, I felt the complete opposite.

Here's my thing: why isn't the same criticism being leveled at Scooter, clearly an offensive stereotype of poor white people from the south, complete with insinuations of inbreeding, obsessing over cars, and overall ignorance?

I loved, and I mean LOVED, Saints Row the Third, and Red Faction is solid too. But $23 million seems high for Volition. I guess if they can make a million copy seller, it's recouped the cost though...

So it's a slickly designed PC box, except the OS needed to run 99% of the major games on Steam comes separate. This sounds like a lot of buzzword mumbo jumbo with not much of a reason to actually buy. I can justify owning consoles and gaming PC because of exclusive titles. But what is this offering that a PC can't,

Because America doesn't need to be a police state under the guise of security...

Can't Nintendo track the serial of the console when it connects online? And wouldn't they have the serials of the lost shipments? Just curious...

The Beetlejuice one killed me! Well played.

I had a high school classmate who refused to play GTA: San Andreas because he couldn't play as a white guy. Part of me wants to think he was just making an offensive joke. But I'm fairly certain he was just a racist. I do not get that mindset.

Probably Company of Heroes. Metro 2033 and Saints Row will laugh at your laptop mercilessly. Darksiders is a longshot on lowest detail, I'd say.

Wii-U! Wii-U! Wii-U!

I was hoping it would be like Dead Trigger, which is a wave based FPS that works extremely well on tablets.

Top down!? RAAAAAGE!

Chuck Klosterman has an insightful essay about the depth of strategy and innovation that happens on the play making level of football (called "Football"). On a basic level, sure, it's about moving the ball and hitting guys. But there's so much readjustment, matching strategies, and coming up with new ways to achieve